1. Project management

This week I worked on defining my final project idea and started to get used to the documentation process.

1.1 Assignments of the Week

  1. Plan and sketch a potential final project
  2. Work through a git tutorial.
  3. Build a personal website describing you and your final project. Refer to the lecture material for examples.
  4. Upload parts 1 and 2, to the class archive.

1.2 Challenge for me

1.3 My Research Journey

  1. MkDocs
    1. Installing MkDocs (with python and pip installed)
    2.             pip install mkdocs
    3. Creating a new project. With this command line, I got a directory called "fabacademy-docs", in which I can edit the "mkdocs.yml" file to change the name of my website.
    4.             mkdocs new fabacademy-docs
      yml file
    5. Adding Structure. In the directory "docs", each md file is a web page. I created the structure below according to the tutorial.
    6. structure
    7. Adding Content. Open md file in VScode and use the markdown format adding content.
    8. Launching the Server. So I have my first website on localhost in my life.
    9.             mkdocs serve
      mkdocs page
  2. Git
  3. I have some experience with using Git, the only unclear part is how to clone the repository to my computer. In this part, the tutorial offered on FabAcademy Git Tutorial is quite a good guide.

    1. Add my Git user name and email
    2.             git config –-global user.name “motangyun”
                  git config –-global user.email “motangyun12@gmail.com”
    3. Generate my SSH key
    4.             ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "$motangyun12@gmail.com"
    5. Check if the SSH KEY is successfully generated
    6.             cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

      The string starting with "ssh-rsa" is my SSH key.

      mkdocs page
    7. Copy my SSH key and paste it to the GitLab
    8. mkdocs page
    9. Clone my repository from GitLab
    10.             git clone git@git.fabacademy.org:fabacademy2017/yourlabname/yourstudentnumber.git

      This is where to find your SSH address

      mkdocs page

    A tip from instructor Nancy:
    Don't give out your SSH key!

  4. HTML
  5. HTML(Hyper-Text Markup Language) is a markup language and an HTML document is a plain text file that can be edited in the text editor and opened in the web browser.

    Basic Tags
    Most of the tags have an opening tag (such as <h1>) and a corresponding closing tag (such as </h1>).

    Above are some basic tags that help me finish my first-week assignment page which you can see here. There is a lot more to learn.
    W3School HTML Tutorial
    FabAcademy HTML Tutorial

  6. Final Project Idea
  7. Why do I want to create this interactive installation?
    I want to make an interactive installation related to Shikumen, which will have regional characteristics and cultural significance. Shikumen is a cultural symbol that can represent Shanghai, but in the process of my research, I found that many children who grew up in Shanghai don't even know this traditional residential architecture at all. Instead of the information board on the wall telling the brief introduction of every Shikumen building, I hope this interactive installation has more playability that can attract everyone's interest.

    How does it work?
    At present, the idea is a bit like a photoshoot machine. With the appearance of Shikumen, this installation is about 40cm high. When the visitor presses the button, the door will open. The screen inside will display the life scene inside the Shikumen of different ages which can hardly be seen by visitors and introduce some architectural knowledge related to Shikumen by text. There is a camera on the lintel. It will recognize visitors' faces and match their suitable scene to show on the screen according to the age and expression. Visitors' faces will be photoshopped in the scene posted on the screen. Visitors can take pictures as souvenirs.

    Further to go...
    I'm still doing some interviews with other people to see if I can get some other interesting interactive ideas.

    final project sketch

    Project Management


    Material purpose quantity source
    PETG filament Shikumen exterior structure 1kg taobao
    arcrylic 3mm inner part 5 sheet taobao
    plywood 3mm inner part 5 sheet taobao
    Seeed XIAO development board 1 taobao
    male pinheaders development board sevral taobao
    resisitors development board sevral taobao
    LED lightening effect 10 taobao
    servo motor movement effect 5 taobao
    screen show images 1 taobao
    button interaction system 5 taobao
    camera input device 1 taobao
    speaker loud sound 1 taobao
    battery power supply 1 taobao
  8. Student Agreement
  9. Student agreement signed here.