Week 15 - Wildcard Week

This week's assignment is about wildcard and we are going to make a structure that will serve us for our final project based on composites.

Group assignment:

We will first start by producing test coupons for our composite manufacturing process.

For this we will use 2 materials that will be fabric and raffia, from 1 to 3 layers individually and together.

Figure N°1

All these test coupons will be dipped in a resin mix, the same one that was documented in week 12 which has a ratio of 1 to 5 between part A and part B.

Figure N°2

Now we will go on to evaluate the hardness of each of these combinations.

Figure N°3

In the case of only raffia coupons, we see that one and two layers are not hard enough, the 3-layer one is considerably hard, but the material falls apart and loses its shape.

Video N°1

In the case of fabric-only coupons, it is observed that a single layer is totally flimsy, whereas having 2 and 3 layers generates enough hardness.

Video N°2

In the case of the combinations of both materials, we see that the 3 cases are hard enough, but the raffia easily falls apart, taking the piece's shape away.

Video N°3

In conclusion we see that having between 2 and 3 layers of fabric only is the right combination for the construction of our case.

Individual assignment:

We will start with a free design of a cat with its paws. The design is from Thingiverse, you can download it here.

Figure N°4

In Blender changes were made to create a separation between its legs, the idea is that there is enough space to put a plate of food there and we export in .STL format.

Figure N°5

We use the page Papercraft-maker to make a display to create it papercraft style, we choose a sheet size of A3 so that the approximate dimensions are a 30cm cube.

Figure N°6

The first cutting tests with cardboard are made.

Figure N°7

It is necessary to modulate the speed of the cut since by having a slow speed you end up burning more than cutting the cardboard and when folding it you end up undoing the material.

Figure N°8

After several tests these are the ideal settings for cutting cardboard.

Cardboard__ Cut Results __
Power 25 - 30
Speed 1.5

Table N°1

We start gluing the parts with school glue.

Figure N°9

Sticking it with school glue is usually quite a slow and tedious process so that the parts don't end up moving.

Figure N°10

The gluing material was changed to super glue, with that the process sped up a lot and we see how the pieces add up.

Figure N°11

Figure N°12

Figure N°13

Figure N°14

And this is what all the pieces look like together, a pretty decent product

Figure N°15

Now to make the composite we will use fabric to cover the cardboard, we will use the same design to make the cuts.

Figure N°16

The proper settings for cutting this fabric are as follows.

Fabric__ Cut Results __
Power 10 - 15
Speed 1.5

Table N°2

The resin that we are going to use is the same one described in week 12.

Figure N°17

Therefore, the way to mix this material is as follows:

Material Epoxy Resin
Mixing Ratio 1:5
Example 10 ml(A) : 50 ml(B)

Table N°3

Each piece of cloth is dipped in the mixture and glued on top of the cardboard.

Figure N°18

When the resin is dry, quick-drying drywall putty is added to sand the piece down.

Figure N°19

Two passes of putty were made on the structure.

Figure N°20

The entire piece was then sanded and painted, finishing with a better finish.

Figure N°21

Finally we obtained a completely solid structure.

Video N°4

Final thoughts:

  • Cutting the pieces of fabric based on the shape of the cardboard was not very useful since when immersed in the resin it shrinks and loses its shape a lot, having to complement this with pieces of fabric cut manually.
  • It is necessary that at the time of drying the resin the fabric is attached to the surface, if due to the effect of gravity it detaches you will have protruding parts that are not part of the original structure.
  • The process of creating composites is something completely new for me and I found it to be something very new and useful to create large structures with very low cost.

The files created or used this week can be downloaded here:

Cat case in .STL Link
Cut Parts Part-1 Link
Cut Parts Part-2 Link
Cut Parts Part-3 Link
Cut Parts Part-4 Link
Cut Parts Part-5 Link