Final project

First approach

Well, i started to make some parts for my final project to see if it´s good idea.

Made an output module with a mosfet to make it posible to work heating element with a higher worked.

Now i´m testing my inputs....a heater sensor...and i´m stuck right there.

I made the board of fabacademy's examples, with the thermistor....didn't work.

Also made another one with a submergible sensor....didn't work either.

To change a bit and refresh my ideas....started to make some moulds for epoxi resin to get the size and proportions of the under water part.

This part will be in ceramic, to be harmless for use with drinkable water....the heating part in Nickel or stainless steel.

What i've got so far?

Well, from my output week i've got my heater controller from a simple board with a mosfet N and some resistors.

Also, i've got the app for android that could work with the system.


From my moulding and casting week, i test my future moulds and saw the proportions.

week 12. Molding and casting moldes360 moldepartes ladoa ladoB capsula

So, after we get the correct dimensions, i decided to use a 20volts battery commonly used in wireless drills.

This will give me portability and ease to get spare parts.

The battery will be inside the case, easily accesible to change and to charge.

expl1 expl2

Next time, i hope i can solve my boards to make a 1:1 full prototype and tested.


Ok, bought another sensor, a submergible Ds18b20, this one with a new set up, did work.

Also, with an external bluetooth module HC-06, i made connection between the sensor and the app in my cellphone.


sensor Datasheet DS18B20

The Ds18b20 is a submergible sensor that can resist up to 125 degrees celcius, more than enough of the temperature my project will make.

This sensor need a pull up resistor of 4.7k ohm and between 3 to 5 volts to work properlly.

So, i made a board with a set of resistors, and it works great.

sensor board In week 11, input, this was fully explained.


Ok, it all started with a heater from a 3d printer.


I tested it, and heat water at desired temperature, but it take a long time to heat it.

heater heating

So, i thought i need something more specific, more suitable for water heating and more important, safe to drink.

Eureka, the shower heater enter on stage.

This device is over engineered for this task, and it is warranted to be safe to drink water after it heat it.

And it is also cheaper.

After tested, i reduce the coil to a size more compact and with less comsumtion.

The smaller size could handle 150 watts hour, with 12 volts and 12.5 amps

This more than enough to heat the water at 80 degrees with no hesitate.

new heater
Made with Clipchamp


To handle all the modules, i design a board with an atmega 328p

Atmega datasheet. pinout_ATMEGA328

Made the design in Eagle.

328p cut328p

Programmed the board with the Atmel ICE with blink sketch to see if it works.

Made with Clipchamp

Ok, the board works....until it doesn´t....the regulator i put in the board can´t handle the consume and got hotter and burnt.

Well, i decided to make an external regulator, because at that time i didn´t want to make another board.



Now i have all the modules and the board, so, let´s test them.

All the boards




The bluetooth module



Made with Clipchamp

While everything was working ok....suddenly, it stops working...the Atmel 328p collapse.

We tryied to program it, but nothing didn't even recognize the devices.

With very short time, my instructor suggested me:"let´s try another board"

So, i borrowed a board from my partner Patricia, tested and worked great every time.

Well, i took Patricia´s design and add some extras to get all the features i need.

New board


With this board i did all the new testing, everything works fine....loved it.

The SUNGuay

The SUNGuay started as a 2 main parts product: a case for the electronics and the submerged capsule.

I designed the case in Autodesk Inventor software, because i wanted a parametric design.

The case

case explotada base tapa

The capsule

capsule capsule imp parts imp

After having all the things....let´s put them together

todojunto cap armada all together

Assemble everything to test

taza test mateicol

Presentation Video and Slide.



Off the record

Because i want something more, i also design a wooden pouch, to put my SUNGuay when is not in use

I used 4mm plywood and cut it with the lasercut machine, and put two 6mm neodimium magnets to close it.

box box1 box2 box3 box4 box5


This project was really a wild ride, running counter clock. Murphy´s Law happened everytime but i learnt how to fix and survive.

Right now, i can say with property that i´m a good pcb machinist, a well soldering, i can use everyone of the lab's machines with knowledge and suggest to my fellow students how to survive to the unknown.

This project is something i want to continue upgrading, because it´s fun and i think it could be saleable.

I would like to thank my instructors in FADA-CIDI, to DGETP-UTU Uruguay and to everyone that helped me in this crazyness.

Also thanks to my Global Evaluator for the patience and to FabAcademy Community, specially Global Saturday Fever.


Final Board



Heat sensor board

All arduino files

All stl files

Wooden Pouch