Project management

This week I worked on defining my final project idea and started to getting used to the documentation process.


Git is a version control system for software development that allows teams to manage and keep track of changes to their code. It enables multiple users to work on the same codebase simultaneously and provides features such as branching and merging to manage different versions of code.

GitLab is a web-based Git repository manager that provides source code management (SCM), continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), and project management features. It is built on top of Git and extends its functionality to provide a web interface, a bug tracking system, and other features for collaborative software development. With GitLab, teams can manage their code repositories, plan and track projects, automate testing and deployment, and collaborate on code development in a single place.

2. GitLab Workflow

Clone a repository, make changes, commit and push, using CMD

To clone a repository from GitLab and make changes, these steps should be followed:

1. Open a terminal or command prompt window and navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository.


2. Run the following command to clone the repository: "git clone" and change to the newly created directory:


3. Make the changes to the files you want, following commands to stage, commit and push the changes

Basic Commands:


Clone a repository, make changes, commit and push using VSCode

To clone a repository from GitLab and make changes, these steps should be followed:

1. I begin by clicking on the "Visual Studio Code (HTTPS)" link. This action initiates the process to open the repository in Visual Studio Code. By selecting this link, I direct my system to recognize the HTTPS protocol and open it in the appropriate application, which in this case is Visual Studio Code.


2. Once I click on the link, a prompt or dialogue box appears asking me to "Open the Link." I click on this option to proceed. This step ensures that the link is correctly interpreted and opened within Visual Studio Code, allowing me to access the repository directly in the code editor.


3. After the link is opened, another prompt appears asking me to "Open" the repository in Visual Studio Code. I click on "Open" to continue. This step confirms that I want to access the repository and opens it within the editor, making all the files and folders in the repository accessible for editing


4. Within Visual Studio Code, I navigate to the option "Add to Workspace" and click on it. This step adds the cloned repository to my current workspace, allowing me to manage multiple projects and files within a single workspace environment


5. Now, I make the required changes to the repository. This could involve adding new files, modifying existing files, or deleting files that are no longer needed. I ensure that all changes are relevant and necessary for the development of my project.


6. After making the changes, I visualize the modifications to ensure they conform to the specified requirements. Proper visualization helps me identify any discrepancies or errors that need to be corrected before committing the changes.


7. I write a clear and concise commit message that briefly describes the purpose or nature of the change. This message is important for tracking the changes throughout the development of the project.


8. Once the commit message is written, I commit the changes to the repository. This step involves saving the modifications along with the commit message, creating a record of the changes in the version control system.


9. I synchronize my changes with the remote repository. This step involves pushing my local changes to the remote repository, ensuring that all team members have access to the latest version of the project.


10. Finally, I verify that the changes are visible in the remote repository. This step involves checking the remote repository to ensure that my changes have been successfully pushed and are accessible to other team members. Verifying the changes helps me confirm that the synchronization process was successful.


Best Practices in Version Control

Creating My Website with HTML and CSS

Structured Approach

Tools Used

In addition to HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript, several other tools can enhance the development and functionality of my webpage. Frameworks like Vue.js and Angular provide powerful features for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces, though they require a steeper learning curve.


Final Project

XplorerBot - Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV)


The XplorerBot is a versatile and robust Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) designed for various applications, including research, exploration and development tasks. Equipped with advanced control systems and a comprehensive suite of sensors, the XplorerBot can navigate diverse terrains, avoid obstacles, and perform precise tasks autonomously or via remote control.

Key Features:

The XplorerBot would be designed for researchers in robotics and artificial intelligence, operators needing automated solutions for inspection and maintenance, and hobbyists interested in exploring the capabilities of unmanned vehicles. Its flexible expansion capabilities make it suitable for a wide range of customized applications, from academic research to practical industrial use.

  1. Robust and Agile Chassis:
    • Aluminum alloy chassis for stability and protection.
    • Adapted design for maneuvering diverse terrains.
  2. High-Performance Motor System:
    • Powerful DC motors and heavy-duty motor drivers.
  3. Precise Control System:
    • Advanced control system with an integrated MCU and motor driver board.
    • Encoder for DC motor ensures precise control, accurate navigation, and positioning.
  4. Comprehensive Sensor Suite:
    • Ultrasonic and TOF sensors for distance measurement.
    • Gyroscope for orientation sensing, line following sensor, and RGB-Camera.
  5. Flexible Expansion Capabilities:
    • GPIO pins and I2C ports for seamless integration of additional sensors, actuators, or modules.
    • Customization and system integration for specific requirements.
  6. Extensive Software Support:
    • Programming and control, autonomous behavior development, and third-party software integration.
  7. Remote Control and Communication:
    • Wi-Fi and Bluetooth support for remote control via PS4 controller.
    • Real-time monitoring, data collection, and operation from a distance.
  8. Efficient Power Management:
    • Rechargeable power bank support for prolonged operation.

Key Sensors:

Respresentation of the final Project

This initial version I drew in Fusion360 provides a simple overview of the robot. It's like a rough sketch that helps me determine the sizes for the case, electronics, DC motor, and other mechanical parts. This starting point gives me a general layout, making it easier to plan out the details as I move forward.
