Interfacing and Application Programming

Task for Week 14

- Group Assignment
Compare as many tool options as possible
- Individual Assignment
Write an application that interfaces a user with an input &/or output device that you made

Group Assignment

  • Here is the Link to our group Assignment.
  • This week we were asked to compare as many tool options as possible. I learnt about the MIT App Inventor and Processing.
  • MIT App Inventor


    Creating A Shape

  • There are many examples that is already built-in and I tried some of them since it was my first time using the Processing
  • First I tried making simple shapes.
  • Traces
  • Then tried making Stars from Example -> Form -> Star.
  • Traces Traces
  • Then tired playing with image. There was an example under image which made the image transparent. I inserted my image.
  • Traces
  • Then tried making something different. That is when I moved the cursor, the shape moved along with it and created a image that i found cute.
  • Traces Traces

    Comparison Between Processing and Arduino IDE

    1. Processing and Arduino are both programming environments that are designed to make it easy to create interactive programs, but they do have some important differences.
    2. Processing is focused on creating visual and interactive programs that run on a computer while Arduino is focused on creating programs that interact with the physical world through sensors,motors and other electronics.
    3. Processing has a simplified syntax and a set of built-in functions that make it easy to create graphics, animations, and other visual effects while Arduino has a set of libraries that make it easy to interact with sensors, motors and other electronic components.
    4. Another difference is that processing is based on the Java programming language while Arduino uses simplified version of C++.

    Individual Assignment