Week 17. Invention, Intellectual Property and Business Models

Before the Start

Introduction 🖊

This week relates to creating a video and a panel to present final projects. I used iMovie and Illustrator as the main tools to create both files.

Fab Assignments 📚

  1. Invention, Intellectual Property and Business Models.
  2. Prepare drafts of your summary slide (presentation.png, 1920x1080) and video clip (presentation.mp4, 1080p HTML5, < ~minute, < ~10 MB) and put them in your root directory

My Goals 🎯

Project Management

How I’m going to organize my work during the week.

Task Time Day
Video 6h 6 / 7 / 8, June
Panel 3h 9 June
Documentation 1h 9, June

During the Process

Results 🖖

Attached are the video and the panel created for my final project:

Retrospective 🤔

This week resulted on being very interactive and constructive. I had the opportunity to test the meditation system with my fellow students and friends at the Waag’s Fablab. The feedback had been always very positive and motivating to continue the project outside the fablab’s room.

At Waag, we had the opportunity to do an open presentation of our projects on the 14th of June. I enjoyed a lot this opportunity, was a great moment to explain in detail the concept to the audience, and be able to answer questions from the people who were interested in knowing more about Saliva.

Was an empowering and inspiring ending! I also liked seeing how enthusiastic were my fellow students about their projects. All of us did a great job!

Farah testing the Saliva system
