Project proposal:


Objetive measurement of musculoskeletal biomarker/s in non-clinical environments

We are getting older, we live longer and are progressively more and more connected. This, obligues healthcare professionals, in collaboration with other areas of knowledge, to think about new and alternative diagnostic, pronostic and follow-up procedures, that can cover all patient´s needs. Nowadays, not all healthcare assessment are done in clinical settings, the need to be able to measure them in a real environments, what is known as real worl data (RWD), has arisen.

In order to do so, one of the main musculoskeletal biomarkers, (an objective data/variable that by itself is capable of having a significant impact on healthcare decision making and therefore on a person´s health), is the measurement of maximum isometric strength, or commonly called Grip strenght.

Grip strength is one of the main biomarkers of frailty, an indicator of good or bad functional prognosis, and in certain populations even of death. At present, grip strength is measured, in clinical settings, in a standardized way with dynamometry (Kg/cm2), so, it would be of interest and significantly useful to be able to measure it in non clinical environments at a low cost, and in a sustainable way, with the use of digital fabrication. This approach would facilitate its usability to healthcare professionals, with the purpose of having a clinical significant impact on patients health.

Actually, there are few studies that explore alternative ways of measuring grip strenght usign frugal innovation, such as:

  • Arduino based hand dynamometer
  • Monitoring of muscular contraction based on a surface pressure sensor
  • 3D printed sensor hand strenght assessment
  • Use of flex-force sensors


    Functional. Evaluation. e-Device.

    As I explained before. my idea is to create a device that can initially measure, mainly in frailty patients, grip strenght in a non-clinical environment, displaying, storing and sending it to health care professionals in order to help decision making. I would also like to add the capability of detecting minimal clinical important diference (MCID), and specific movement measurement related to sub-maximum strenght (endurance).

    Spiral 1. Design device + Grip strenght measure.
    Spiral 2. Grip strenght measure, + displaying remotely.
    Spiral 3. Capable of storing + sending information.
    Spiral 4. Capable of dectecting MCID + Add specific movement and tremble measurement.


    As you can see, I´m still not sure of how to finally design my project. My main goal is to keep it as simple as possible, and if possible visually aesthetic. So I´m still researching and documentating ideas and posible designs in order to choose a final one soon. The postive part is that i´ve got very clear what it´s going to do, and what inputs and outputs i´mg going to use, and what esthetical elements I want it to have.

    sketch 01/02/2022
    sketch 08/02/2022

    And at last, the "final" sketches of my final project: 08 of February 2022

    sketch 01/02/2022

    In order to achieve it, I need to apply, previous skill developing, all the modules teached at the Fabacademy, using every weeks assignments to explore and decide which design fits best for my goal. And finally, once I have the knowledge needed, I can asses what to use, when and with which goal.


    Design device Using Fusion 360 + 3D printing (PLA + FILAFLEX) a base and the "grip strenght device".
    Grip strenght display Using an OLED module and leds with different colours (green, yellow and red)
    Grip strenght measure Using the STEP response module.
    Sending information ¿Bluetooth, wifi, or maybe just don´t send the information?
    Data storage SD card.
    SECOND SPIRAL GOALS add an accelerometer module
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