Complete your final project, tracking your progress:
All tasks were completed correctly.
Regarding the activities developed that were relatively simple, they were: the design of the laser support module (AutoCAD) and the cutting of MDF (press fit technique). One of the most complicated stages was the assembly of the electronic components in the MDF module, due to the little space to place the wiring. The testing of the program code also took me a while to perfect (trial and error).
Additionally, the most complicated issue in itself were the final tests since a completely dark space with the presence of smoke is required to be able to appreciate the presence of the laser rays between the emitter and receiver.
It's important to know the electrical comsumption of the instrument. Because in the future it can use batteries for standalone use.
The design will be upgraded to use 3.7 V lithium batteries. (maybe a second version)
I've learned about MIDI signals, protocols and design. It's possible to build whatever kind of instrument using digital fabrication with MIDI protocol.
The easiest and cheapest to design an instrument with no limitation.
To better organize myself in the development of the project, he made a Gannt chart where I show the implementation times by week.
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