4. PCB Production

Group Assignment

G1. Group Assignment- Electronic Board Production

Attached is the link to group assignment

Individual Assignment

0. Instructors Suggestions

To Add why did I use FR4:
- I wanted to try different materials. According to internet, FR4 have better thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties and FR1 is cheaper.
To fix:
- add either board layout (.brd) or svg/png for the board that you milled and link to it. --- 6 May, placed in JSOn for EasyEDA Designer and .
- include arduino sketch & link to it --- 6 May, Updated Broken link.
- "Useful Theory 1" - complete or remove --- 6 May, Deleted and Followed Instructor suggestion to place advance concepts at my work.


I1. Individual Assignment- Electronic Board Production

Vector Tools

I followed the process of PCB production based on the theories discussed earlier. This overview outlines the steps I took. Due to a medical condition that hinders my PCB soldering skills for surface mount components, I completed all milling processes but required external help for the soldering of smaller components.

Process Description
Mounting FR4 I secured the FR4 material using double sided tape onto the machine bed to ensure stability during the milling process.
Import PCB Design into LPKF
Vector Tools
I transferred the PCB design files into the LPKF milling machine's software for production.
Assign Layers to the Design
Vector Tools
I specified which layers of the PCB design to mill and drill.
Placement of Design and Adjust Settings
Vector Tools
Vector Tools
I adjusted the position of the design on the FR4 material and configured machine settings for optimal milling.
Generate Toolpath
Vector Tools
Vector Tools
I created path that the milling tool will follow to remove material and create the PCB layout.
Change Bits when Prompted
Vector Tools
I switched out milling bits as required by the design's complexity and the milling stages.
Cut off the Milled Piece
Vector Tools
I removing the completed PCB from the remaining FR4 material after milling is finished.
Solder the Parts
Vector Tools
Attaching electronic components to the PCB through soldering, applicable for components I was able to solder.
Send to Outside Experts for Soldering
Vector Tools
Due to my medical condition, surface mount components requiring precision soldering were sent to professionals.

I2. Individual Assignment- ESP32-C3 Xiao Programming

This section outlines the steps necessary to program the ESP32-C3 Xiao module using the Arduino IDE.

Action Details
Install Arduino IDE I downloaded and installed the latest version of the Arduino IDE from the official Arduino website.
Add ESP32 Board Support Vector Tools I opened the Arduino IDE, navigated to File > Preferences, and add the ESP32 boards manager URL to the Additional Board Manager URLs field. The URL can be found on the official Espressif GitHub or Seeed Studio documentation for the ESP32-C3.
Install ESP32 Board Package Vector Tools Went to Tools > Board > Boards Manager, searched for "ESP32", and installed the latest version of the ESP32 by Espressif Systems.
Select Your Board Vector Tools Under Tools > Board, navigated to the ESP32 Arduino section and selected the Seeed Studio Xiao ESP32-C3 board. Mine was Xiao_ESP32C3, Note: choosing the wrong module will cause error during pin assignment.
Choose COM Port Vector Tools I connected my ESP32-C3 Xiao to my computer via USB. Then selected the correct COM port under Tools > Port.
Prepare Code Vector Tools I Wrote my code in the Arduino IDE. The code which I wrote allows me to check all the pins of the Microcontroller
Compile and Upload Vector Tools I clicked the "Upload" button in the Arduino IDE to compile code and upload it to the ESP32-C3 Xiao. I ensured that no errors are present in the compilation and uploading process.
Verify Operation
Once the code is uploaded, I monitored the ESP32-C3 Xiao's output for all the 11 pins.

I2. Basic Workflow of PCB Design to External Production

The PCB design and production process encompasses conceptualization, schematic design, layout creation, and component selection. Following this, the design undergoes validation to ensure functionality and performance. Gerber files are then generated for manufacturing, where PCBs are fabricated and components are assembled. Thorough testing is conducted to verify functionality and reliability before deployment in the intended application. This structured workflow guarantees the production of reliable and efficient PCBs for a variety of electronic devices and systems. The pictures shown below are the steps I took for this assignment

Step Description
1. Conceptualization
Vector Tools
I started with define the requirements and specifications of the PCB design, including functionality, size, and electrical connections. I Identified the key components and features. Normally For Singapore Secondary Students, they start with the block diagram shown on the left.
2. Schematic Design
Vector Tools
I create a schematic diagram of the PCB layout, depicting the connections between components using symbols and nets. I designed the circuit topology and define signal paths. Beside is the picture of schematic Design, I made using EasyEDA
3. Component Selection
Vector Tools
I Chose electronic components (such as resistors, capacitors, and integrated circuits) based on the schematic design and project requirements. Consider factors such as cost, availability, and performance. Beside is the picture of Bill of materials in schematic design
4. PCB Layout Design
Vector Tools
I translated the schematic diagram into a physical layout of the PCB, arranging components and traces on the board surface. i ignored signal integrity, power distribution, and thermal management as they are not significant considerations in this project. The picture shows the layout of my PCB components
5. Routing
Vector Tools
I routed electrical connections (traces) between components on the PCB layout. This picture shows the route
6. Design Validation
Vector Tools
I checked for errors, such as electrical shorts, open circuits, and design rule violations. I used Design Rule Checks in EasyEDA
7. Gerber File Generation
Vector Tools
I generated Gerber files containing the PCB layout information, including copper layers, solder mask, and silkscreen layers. Gerber files are used by PCB manufacturers to fabricate the physical PCB. I exported the Gerber File using this feature
8. Manufacturing
Vector Tools
I Sent the Gerber files to a PCB manufacturing facility for fabrication. PCBs are typically manufactured using processes such as etching, drilling, and solder mask application. I used JLPCB as onboard production house.
9. Assembly Vector Tools I assembled the missing components and send for local vendors to do soldering
10. Testing I tested the assembled PCB for functionality, performance, and reliability. Use testing equipment (multimeter continuity test) and coded procedures to verify proper operation and identify any defects or issues.

I3. Converting Gerber Files to Toolpaths at LPKF

Converting Gerber files into toolpaths at LPKF is a crucial step in the PCB manufacturing process, ensuring accurate milling operations based on the PCB design specifications. The process involves several detailed steps:

Step Description
1. File Import
i Began by importing the Gerber files into LPKF's software platform. Ensure that all necessary layers, including copper traces, solder mask, and silkscreen, are correctly imported. I Verified that the files are aligned and accurately represent the PCB design.
2. Layer Configuration Vector Tools I configured each imported layer according to the desired milling parameters. Specified tool diameters, milling depths, and clearance settings based on the PCB design requirements. Adjust layer settings to account for different materials and thicknesses used in the PCB stack-up.
3. Toolpath Generation
Vector Tools
Vector Tools
Vector Tools
Using LPKF's CAM software, I generated toolpaths based on the configured layer settings. The software calculates the milling paths required to remove copper material and create PCB traces, pads, and features.

My designed files