Week 1
Version Control and Web Development

Welcome to Week 1!

Posted on July 27, 2022 by Jon
Fig.1 - Spending time with Visual Studio Code.

Updates for Instructor Request on 2 May 2024, Updated on 6 May

Nueval Local Requirements:

Please expand on your website setup, e.g.
- 1. use of html, css, javascript
- 2. VS code editor
- 3. site structure - original or inspired by other site, where?

1. Use of html, css, javascript

I used the key terms in the table below for html, css and js.

Technology Element/Selector/Event Basic Usage Reference Link
HTML Vector Tools <p>, <div>, <a> <h><img> Used to define paragraphs, divisions, hyperlinks, header and image tag. In the screenshot is how I referenced the link. below are links to learn them. W3Schools, MDN
CSS Vector Tools .class, #id, element Used to select elements by class, ID, or their tag to apply styles. in hte screenshyot, is picture of styling selected headers, body, codes's margin, padding and box sizing. W3Schools, MDN
JavaScript Vector Tools addEventListener('click', function) Used to listen to click events on elements and execute functions. The screenshot is a cde that adjusts the navbar's size based on the page's scroll position (event handling) immediately after the page loads (DOMContentLoaded). W3Schools, MDN

2. VS code editor

2. I used VSCode, Notepad++ and Gitlab WebIDLE in this project. Picture shows the extensions i used for VS code editor.

Vector Tools

3. site structure.

I like to go website "learning trip" at NicePage to see design i like and see the codes as reference acoordingly. I do not remember exactly which website i took refernce from. If rally needed, I am ok to redo again all the format. Vector Tools Vector Tools

Checklist for this week:

  • ☑ Sketched your final project idea(s) -- Done
  • ☑ Described briefly what it will do and who will use it -- For Teachers or Students interested in math
  • ☑ Made a website -- Done
  • ☑ Described how you made the website -- Done
  • ☑ Created a section about yourself on that website --Done
  • ☑ Added a page with a sketch and description of your final project idea(s) --Done
  • ☑ Documented steps for setting up you Git repository and adding files to it --Done
  • ☑ Pushed to your class GitLab repository -- Done
  • ☑ Signed and uploaded Student Agreement --Done

Step 1: Understanding the history of Web & My Requirements

Video.1 - CERN video on "World Wide Web invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist."

Fab Assignment Requirements:
1. Plan and sketch a potential final project. Click on Link.
2. Work through a git tutorial. This document!!!
3. Build a personal site in the class archive describing you and your final project. Click on About Me or About Me

  • ☑ Sketched your final project idea(s) -- Done
  • ☑ Described briefly what it will do and who will use it -- For Teachers or Students interested in math
  • ☑ Made a website -- Done
  • ☑ Described how you made the website -- Done
  • ☑ Created a section about yourself on that website --Done
  • ☑ Added a page with a sketch and description of your final project idea(s) --Done
  • ☑ Documented steps for setting up you Git repository and adding files to it --Done
  • ☑ Pushed to your class GitLab repository -- Done
  • ☑ Signed and uploaded Student Agreement --Done

Step 2: Learning from FabExperts, WWW & Youtubers

I had actually done most of the Fab Lab Documentations once using Markdown and now deleted everything, as I logged too much on the step and theories making it too messy. Getting ready to spiraling the learning experience with HTML, CSS and JS.

I selected two projects to be done and documented for this assignment:
1. Rewriting Git History with Git from Atlassian to train my Git, but doing it with GitKraken and Git
2. A Clock and Calculator by Web Dev Simplified to train my CSS and JS and draft it as my "possible final project"

Pjt 1a: Git Tutorial

After learning more git from Fabacademy, I conducted basic training for git for my peers so now interested to document how to rewrite git history, which I view as an important skill for future generations

Strip.1 - Prerequisties."

Strip.2 - Beginner barely suffice with this."

Pjt 1b @2022: Hmmm... Maybe a Clock as Final Project

In this section of assignment, I am supposed to draft what my final project may look like. So for more, I imagine it to be a simple clock that can tell time and do calculations but have interesting add-ons with Electronics and 3D Printing. Here is a link to the JS clock sketch I followed, customised and integrated.

Pjt 1b @2023: Light Box with Path of Shortest descent

[2023 May] I had finally decided to do a simple light box with path of shortest descent. So ideally, it should look like this lightbox picture plus Mythbuster's path of shortest descent.

I did a rough sketch of the design using midjourney, refer to assignment2 CAD design to see the 2D and 3D Model.

Step 3: What I did with the learning

1. Learnt more and Conducted lessons and sharing on Github and Web Development.
      1a. [@2023 May] Conducted several lessons on Git.
      1b. [@2023 May] Conducted Web development lesson with Markdown, with HTML and CSS.
      1c. [@2023 May] My stakeholders prefer wed development with google site.
      1d. [@Future] Add in the JS interactivity.
2. Improved my git experience with App and Game Development for work purposes.

Assignment 1 Conclusion & Reflections:

1. Plan and sketch a potential final project. Click on Link.
2. Work through a git tutorial. This document!!!
3. Build a personal site in the class archive describing you and your final project. Click on link

Reflection @2023: This is the 3rd time , I am redoing this assignment1.
@2022 June, I was freshman with Github and played game on how to learn Git and Markdown, below is snipplets of free training created for disadvantaged youths. [Insert link to Tello Git Video]

@2022 Dec, I was started to play more with Git. Below is snipplets of free crafted powerpoints of Web Development for less aspiring youth. [Insert link to Web Development Video]

@2023, I lost my grandfather just shortly after I registered for fabacademy, then during fabacademy, I went through covid lockdown, hardware shortages and losing my grandmother when I was milling pcb for fabacademy. The toughest thing for me was to decide a project as there seems to be nothing I do as original, all are but peeking over the shoulders of giants. Now doing the project just simply because of deadlines. Currently for website development, I had tried coding with Atom, Notepad++, VScode. This code is done using Vscode with all its useful extension and version control functions.

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