Electronics design

Design a development board to interact and communicate with an embedded microcontroller.
  • Select and use software for circuit board design
  • Demonstrate workflows used in circuit board design
  • Explained problems and how you fixed them, if you make a board and it doesn't work; fix the board (with jumper wires etc) until it does work.
  • Included original design files (Eagle, KiCad, etc.)
  • Included a hero shot of your board
  • Loaded a program and tested if your board works
Group assignment:
  • Use the test equipment in your lab to observe the operation of a microcontroller circuit board (in minimum, check operating voltage on the board with multimeter or voltmeter and use oscilloscope to check noise of operating voltage and interpret a data signal)
  • Document your work to the group work page and reflect on your individual page what you learned
  • Link to the group assignment page.

Group assignment

The oscilloscope.
Connecting the oscilloscope to the 5V and 3V3 power pins of the SAMD21.
The oscilloscope measures the voltage very accurately: 5V (yellow) and 3V3 (green).
Now we're going to use this sketch (simple blink):

This version of the sketch is truly the simple blink sketch. It uses digitalWrite to write HIGH for 1 second and then LOW for 1 second to a pin:
// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
	// initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.
	pinMode(7, OUTPUT);

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
	digitalWrite(7, HIGH);   // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
	delay(1000);                       // wait for a second
	digitalWrite(7, LOW);    // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
	delay(1000);                       // wait for a second
This sketch is slightly modified: It uses analogWrite to write an analog signal (number between 0-255) to a pin:
// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
	// initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.
	pinMode(7, OUTPUT);

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
	analogWrite(7, 128);   // 128 is the pwm signal

Here, we're connecting the oscilloscope to pin number 7 (as described in the sketch above) and to GND. You can see, that the oscilloscope measures the HIGH and LOW very accurately. Jumping from 0V to 3V3 every second as described in the code.

Here, we changed the delay in the code to 200ms. The oscilloscope picks it up (grid is 100ms).

Trying to measure the same thing with the multimeter is very inaccurate.

Now we're using the analogWrite code set to 255. Using an analog signal, some disturbances can be seen (short moments in which the power is down)
We're now setting the analogWrite to 128, so exactly half. With the oscilloscope, it's visible that the signal is exactly half of the time HIGH and half of the time LOW, as it should be.
Now testing the same thing with the multimeter: It only picks up the average, which is about 1.9V
What we can can conclude from this is that the multimeter and the oscilloscope excel in distinct areas. The oscilloscope is most effective for thoroughly examining signal complications and characteristics due to its wide-ranging capabilities. Meanwhile, the multimeter is useful for verifying errors after soldering or ensuring continuity. Furthermore, the multimeter is more user-friendly and can be set up much more rapidly than the oscilloscope.

End of group assignment

Board Features

I'm designing this PCB to work with my XIAO Seeduino SAMD21. To see its' features, go to my Embedded programming assignment. This SAMD21 can be programmed via USB and doesn't need pins for that. The following I/O-devices will have to connect to the board, since I want to use it for my final project:

  • 2x HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor
  • 1x peristaltic pump

Also needed:

  • 1x MOSFET to drive the pump
  • 1x button to test its' functionality
  • 1x 5V regulator
  • Resistors, Capacitors, LEDs etc
My circuit needs different voltage supplies for the pump (12V) and the microcontroller (5V), but I only want to use one power supply. The solution is a 5V regulator. This component can be connected to any DC supply voltage between 7 and 35 volts. It has three pins: Pin one is the input for unregulated voltage. Pin 2 is the ground pin and pin 3 is the regulated 5 volt output. The manufacturer recommends a capacitor on the input and the output. It notes that the input capacitor is required if the regulator is far away from the power supply filter. The capacitor is going to help smooth out interruptions to the supply and also low frequency distortions.

The board also includes a programmable button and an LED that turn on on receiving power (plus the needed capacitors and resistors).

Designing the PCB in KiCad

Library preparation:

Go to this link to download the FabAcademy KiCad libraries. Download as ZIP.
Extract and rename to "fab".
Without any project loaded, go to Preferences>Manage Symbol Libraries
Here, click the Plus and name it "fab". Then click the folder.
Add this file. Then close the window by pressing OK. Symbol Library is now added!
Go to Preferences>Manage Footprint Libraries.
Here, click the Plus and name it "fab". Then click the folder.
Add this file. Then close the window by pressing OK. Footprint Library is now added!
Now go to Preferences>Configure Paths
Create new, name it "FAB" and add the "fab" folder. Now you are set to use the Fab Libraries.
You also need to include the SAMD21 symbol and footprint. To do so, go to https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Seeeduino-XIAO/#resourses and download the KiCad file. Repeat the process from above for this file as well. In Symbol libraries, add the "SeeduinoXIAO.lib".
In footprint libraries, add the folder which contains this .lib file.
You should now have both the symbol and the footprint.
Creating a new project and working with it:
File>New Project to create a new project.
My project
Double click the schema file.
This should open, in your case everything will be empty of course if you haven't added anything yet.
By going to File>Page settings you can change the size of the sheet and the metadata. I never really use it, but do whatever you prefer!
An important thing to note though is the Grid and its' properties. If you want to change the Grid, right click on this button and click Grid properties.
Now to the important functionality: With this button, you can add symbols. The window on the left will open, where you can find all symbols KiCad has to offer, also the ones you just added. You can use the search function to quickly find what you need
Added 2 pin headers for both HC-SR04's. I create the connection logic with labels. This way, I can connect two pins without drawing a cable.
The LED: by connecting it to 3V3 it automatically turn on, when power is supplied to the board.
The pump: A pin header serves as the connection place for the pump. A MOSFET is integrated into this circuit to control the pump. Gate pin is connected to the SAMD21, when power is supplied to this pin, the circuit of the pump gets closed and it can work -> SIG_PIN can be programmed. Pump get power from 12V adapter, so it's not connected to normal VCC, but to EXTERN_VCC.
5V regulator: On the left, we have the pin header which serves as the place to connect the 12 power adapter. The 5V regulator in the middle turns 12V into 5V and "connects" EXTERN_VCC and normal VCC. Capacitors between the 5V regulator and the GND are neccessary.
The programmable button with a pull-down resistor: In a circuit, a "pull-up" or "pull-down" resistor is used to ensure that a digital input signal is in a well-defined state when no input is present. This pull-down resistor connects the input to ground, so that when the button is not pressed, the input is at a logic low level. When the button is pressed, the input is connected to the voltage source through the button, and the input goes to a logic high level.

What to do after you added all of your components: From logic to layout

First, annotate all symbols with this button. As it already says, it fills in all of the missing symbol reference designators.
You also might want to run an ERC to check if you violate against any important electrical rules in you design that might harm you pcb.
I get a few errors, but I know why they are there and why they aren't a problem. They refer mostly to these 3 pins that aren't connected, which isn't a problem, because they aren't regular I/O pins, but they are below the board and aren't important for the main circuit. The other errors come from the 5V regulator, because the program doesn't know that EXTERN_VCC refers to a power input.
Time to assign the footprints to the symbols. Run this tool.
You can filter footprints. By choosing the symbols and then clicking one of the filtered footprints on the left, you assign them to the symbol. Do this for all of the components. Then press Apply&Save.
It's finally time to create your pcb layout. Click this button in your schema workspace to get to the pcb workspace. There, press the button to update your pcb with changes made to the schematic.
You will get something that is roughly similar to this. A lot of components with a lot of white lines. The white lines represent the logical connections.
You might want to change your track width before the wiring step. To do so, click this button.
Go to Net Classes. Here you can change the Clearance and the Track width. Go with about 0.4mm minimum clearance and track width.
You have to turn the logical connections into physical ones using the wire tool. You can layout your components by moving them with the mouse and then drawing wires between them, until all white lines disappear and everything is connectd the right way. You can always go back to your schematic to change the logic if you realize you made a mistake or something doesn't fit. Just press update PCB afterwards and your changes will be applied.
Another best practice is to change the pad shape of the pin headers. Usually they are round when you start out, but an oval like shape is often better. To change, right click on any of the pads and choose Properties.
Change whatever you have to these settings and apply.
After this you can copy the properties to all of the other pads.
After you are done arranging and wiring your PCB, it should look something like this. But there's two more important things to note also visible on this picture, a ground layer and an outline + mounting holes.
How to make a ground layer: A layer that connects all GND's is super useful as it saves you a ton of connections. Click on the Add a filled zone button and click where you want to start your filled zone.
This windows will pop up, choose GND and hit ok.
Start drawing your zone. When you are done, press B on your keyboard to hatch it.
For the outline, draw a rectangle around your PCB along with circles for mounting holes. Right click on the lines and choose properties and change te Layer to Edge.cuts. And you're done!
Download my KiCad project file