About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Jan Bewersdorff and I welcome you to my webpage for FabAcademy 2022! I am a junior software and systems engineer based in Duisburg, Germany. Have a look around the webpage to see what I did during the FabAcademy!
My background
Education and Work
As well as working in Duisburg I was also born here in 1995. After secondary school I began studying applied computer science at the University of Duisburg and Essen, where I graduated with my bachelors degree in 2019. After my bachelors degree I began working for ITQ as a systems and software engineer while also pursuing the masters degree at the university. As it stands now, I am one semester away from graduating with my masters degree and after that will be fully starting my career with ITQ.
Private Life
Personally I was always interested in most scientific themes. I can lose myself reading or watching videos about all things astronomy. Since I was little one of my biggest hobbies were videogames and as it stands today nothing much has changed. Apart from this I am attending multiple dancing classes with my Wife, which is always a lot of fun. On top of that we also have two cats called Loki and Taavi.

Previous work
Projects During My Studies at the University
As part of my study program I took part in two pratical projects:
- The first project was back when VR-Headsets were first available to enthusiasts and the HTC Vive was the unchallenged king of VR-Headsets. Our study group was tasked with creating an application similar to Tilt Brush, which was published by Google. Our task was to enhance the functionality of Tilt brush where you were able to paint into the virtual space with different brushes. The core enhancement we were tasked with was the creation and manipulation of 3D-Models from simple primitives within the Unity Game Engine. This was my first real programming project and it was a pretty diffcicult task as most of the work at the beginning was calculation the faces and edges of the primitives to be able to pull them or just add more faces to an object.
- Funnily enough my second project at the university also included working with VR-Headsets, but had a more scientific and psychological bakground. Our groups' task was the creation of a program with which it was possible to conduct a study where we could have a look at whether the presence of another person in the virtual room would induce the test person to Social Facilitation".
Work Projects
As part of my work at ITQ I was part of multiple projects ranging from frontend development to PLC development.