Week 17 Applications and Implications


    • Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered.

Assignmnets What will it do?

DryFil (curing/drying the filament)
The idea of this project is to DIY a filament dryer, which will solve the ruining of the filament because of moisture absorbed from the air. This device will prevent that by maintaining temperature according to the filament specifications in that specific enclosure.

Who's done what beforehand?

I have found 2 projects related to my concept.

What will you design?

These are the modules which I will be designing 2 times as first for low fidelity prototype and second for the final project.

    1. Computer Aided Design - Fusion 360 (2d for laser cutter and 3d for 3d printing)
    2. Kicad - PCB design.
    3. Tinkercad- circuit designing..

What materials and components will be used?

Till now these are the materials and components used/needed in this project.

    • Plywood sheets x3 50x30cm.
    • PCB single layer x2 5x6cm.
    • Vinyl sheet x2 5x6cm.
    • Attiny1614 x2.
    • Dc power jack smd x2.
    • Capacitor 1uf .
    • Resistors 499 ohm x4.
    • Resistors 0ohm x4.
    • Resistors 10k Ohm.
    • Mosfet 50v 16A x2.
    • NTC thermistor.
    • Pin Headers male/female x28
    • Power source adapter 5V x2.
    • Heater (pad 5x10cm 5V 5W).
    • Fan 5v x2.
    • Push buttons x2.
    • LCD I2C .
    • Leds x2.
    • Hc-05 bluetooth module.
    • Acrylic sheets 2mm 50x30cm x2.
    • Pla printed parts 30g .
    • Petg printed part 10g.
    • Jumper wires mix.
    • connecters.

Where will it come from?

Most of the components and materials are provided by Fablab Egypt's inventory. Only the heater was purchased from a local electronic store called RAM electronics.

How much will they cost?

The cost of the components and materials are as follow:

# Item Quantity Unit prince Vendor
1 Plywood sheets 3 EGP18.00 Fablab Egypt (Local)
2 PCB single layer 2 EGP45.00 Fablab Egypt (Local)
3 Vinyl sheet 2 EGP2.50 Fablab Egypt (Local)
4 Attiny1614 2 $0.99 Digi-Key
5 Dc power jack smd 2 $1.45 Digi-Key
6 Mosfet 2 $1.15 Digi-Key
7 NTC thermistor 1 $2.93 Digi-Key
8 Heater 1 EGP100 RAM electronics- Local
9 C3216X7R1H105K160AB 1uF Capacitor 1 $0.27 Digi-Key
10 Resistors 9 $0.20 Digi-Key
11 Fan 5v 2 EGP20 Fablab Egypt (Local)
12 Power source adapter 5V 2 EGP25 Fablab Egypt (Local)
13 Push buttons 2 EGP5 Fablab Egypt (Local)
14 LCD I2C 1 EGP80 Fablab Egypt (Local)
15 Leds 2 EGP0.75 Fablab Egypt (Local)
16 Hc-05 bluetooth module 1 EGP20 Fablab Egypt (Local)
17 Acrylic sheets 2mm 50x30cm 2 EGP18 Fablab Egypt (Local)
18 3D printing Not defined yet EGP7 Local

What parts and systems will be made?

The technical modules in my projects are as follow:

  1. Input :
    1. User Input: The project will contain 2 push buttons. To set the temperature according to the material.
    2. Sensing: temperature control will be needed in my project which is the vital technical module, it is to maintain the temperature and humidity inside the enclosure and dry the moisture from the filament.
  2. Action / Output :
    1. According to the temperature reading, the heater will turn on/off accordingly.
    2. The temperature reading will also be displayed on the LCD.
    3. To control the airflow and ventilation purposes, a small dc fan will be situated inside the base box.
  3. Power management:
    1. Till now I haven’t decided which heater I will use in my project, that is why it is not specified till now.
  4. MCU:
    1. I will use attiny1614 for my final project as all the peripherals needed are there (as discussed in week4 ).
  5. Construction parts:
    1. I am thinking to 3d print the base box and the lid cover with PETG material to resist the heat.
    2. Transparent acrylic will be used for the enclosure to easily see the flament state through it.
  6. Interfacing:
    1. via bluetooth module to add on input integration.

What processes will be used?

3D printing: Device’s box and lid.
Laser cutting: Acrylic bending enclosure.
Communication: bluetooth module
Control: measure the temperature and control the heater via mosfet.
Embedded programming: Programming attiny1614

What questions need to be answered?

Will the heater generate enough heat to cure the filament?
How will the temperature sensor fixed in the enclosure?
How to connect the temperature sensor while opening or closing the enclosure?

How will it be evaluated?

This is how I decided to view my project.
Minimum features: all basic features working properly
Complete features: bluetooth module communication
Nice to have features: curing the filament and adding rotary switch to be able to choose any specific settings.

Plan of implementation for the project.

Here is my planning of implementation for my final project:

SR. NO. EST Date. Task
1 18 May 2022 Decide / Confirm components and calculate the power management accordingly.
2 19 May Requisite the components needed for the project.
Design prototype on Fusion360
3 20 May Prototype LCD with I2C , pushbuttons and LEDs .
4 21 May Laser cut prototype and assemble it (low fidelity).
5 22 May Prototype fans , heater (both using mosfet) and thermistor sensor .
6 23 May Integrating all the components in the algorithm. Testing all components to confirm circuit diagram.
7 24 May PCB design.
8 25 May Attending class and completing weekly documentation.
9 26 May PCB milling, soldering and testing.
10 27 May Break
11 28 May Debugging circuit diagram issues.
12 29 May Assemble Prototype.
13 30 May Prototype dry run.
14 31 May Test print for clearence and slot fitings.
15 1 June Attending class and completing weekly documentation. Design lid cover on Fusion360
16 2 June Fabricate lid cover and design base box on Fusion360.
17 3 June Break
18 4 June Fabricate base box.
19 5 June Fabricate acrylic enclosure.
20 6 June Integration and assembly of the project
Designing bluetooth app on MIT inventor App and integrating in the project
Cable management process.
21 7 June Testing and dry run of the full project.
fabricate sensor holder.
22 8 June Attending class and starting final project documentation.
23 9 June Making slide and video for the Presentation.
24 10 June Presentation Day.