Invention, Intellectual Property and BusinessModels

Licence choosing

I developed this project as a solution to germinate and develop, seed that will be used on my home garden, where I grow my veggies. The idea is that any one can use the design and fabricate a Seedling Nursery or improve on it.

So it will be released under CC BY-SA 4.0 Creative Commons Licence. It allows to share and adapt, while you must give attribution and share alike under the same licence.

More about this licence can be found here


CreativeCommons icon, it indicate that this work is copyrighted under a CreativeCommons licence.


Attribution - Indicates that you must give appropriate credit, add a link to the licence, and indicate if changes were made.


ShareAlike - If your create something based on this material you must distribute under the same licence.

Dissemination plan

The idea to choose an open licence is to release the design so everyone can make it or improve on it. Make the germinations of plants easier. This product was developed to cover my own needs, but maybe someone has the same needs and can use a version of this design to fit theirs.

If someone wants to replicate the Seedlings Nursery can use data and design files that are uploaded to this page and is also public under CC BY-SA to make it by your self

Income and Possible Business Model

Also is there a possibility to make income from this project, with a focus on social impact to enable more people to grow plants and enjoy seeing your plants grow each day

The main source of income will be to sell the final product; and, as a plus service, customize the product to fit the specific needs of a premium client. Also if there is interest maybe a Kickstarter campaign can be raised to develop SeedlingsNursery2.0 with more focus on modularity to enable the creation of a series of products.

And these versions if successfully developed can be sell as kits or products, that don't include the clock display or Bluetooth module. Or can be just the irrigation system. Many possibilities can be created by combining these modules even allowing for easy upgrading by just plug in a new module.

This can create simpler systems that can be upgraded, this whole range of products can solve more general needs surrounding the germination of plants for home gardens. While also having lower prices for less complete systems.

Note: to make this plan viable a more deep market research should be preformed and developed.

Draft video and slide

This week I also make a drafts of the presentation video and slide. The slide was created using Photoshop, the first step was to remove the background of the image and tinted it pure black. Then I add circular images of the features and some text to describe each one. The icons that represent the two main functions of the device were imported as .png

The video was created using Blender and FFMPEG, to crop and rotate the videos. Then I search for creaive commons music I found Running Waters by Jason Shaw width a CC-BY licence. I create the title and end screen using Photoshop to finally join everything together on Blender and make the final render. The I use mp4compress page to compress the video.

Video editing process on Blender Slide process on Photoshop

Final results of the presentation drafts

Final version of the presentation video

Final presentation slide

Final version of the presentation slide


On the copyright world there is a lot of licenses to choose from, but I really like the Creative Commons org, that offer your some handy licenses that allow your to share with different terms and limitations.

I'm glad I made a draft of the presentation video and slide, this will allow me to only update with new content but the creative process is already created, it always take time.

Have I?

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