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Machine Design

This week's group assignment:
  • design a machine that includes mechanism+actuation+automation
  • build the mechanical parts and operate it manually
  • document the group project and your individual contribution
  • actuate and automate your machine
  • document the group project and your individual contribution
In order to complete this assignement, we split the class into 3 teams: Design, Plumbing, and Electronics. Our ultimate goal was to create a Smart Bar that could mix drinks of the user's choice. Each group's documentation has its own section below.

See the group page here (I am part of the DESIGN TEAM).
I understand that I am supposed to individually document my contribution to the project, but I feel that is extremely redundant. My documentation would be exactly the same as the design section of the group page. I had a part in every single step outlined there.

As for contributing to the electronics and plumbing, I understood what they were doing and how they were planning on doing it, but there was not nearly enough time to involve myself more than just asking questions, giving advice, and meeting regularly. The design, CNC milling, and wood treatment took the entire 2 weeks! But I knew what parts and techniques the were using and how they would be integrated into the system as a whole. Even though I did not build any of those parts, I still had numerous team meeting to catch everyone up on ALL of the parts.

Everyone in every group new what the other groups were doing and met reguarly to update progress.