Our lab is located in Abu Dhabi, at the Emirates College of Advanced Education. The lab instructors are from ECAE. Our first meeting was in Microsoft Teams.
We got to introduce ourselves and had a check at the inventory, the materials needed and the communication mediums:
- Good connection of internet.
- Microphones and headphones.
- Setting up the accounts and platforms with which we will be communicating including Gitlab, and mattermost.
The video gives us a little of information about Fabacademy. The first week introduced Project Management.
I would like to try as many tools as possible so I´ll keep this link to the various suggestion tools handy
I already had an account in GITHUB but GITLAB was new to me. It is really cool and easy to use.
To log into gitlab, we have to log through fablab.io, the problem is that never seem to find the right log in page, so here it is. So from fablab.io, we log into gitlab, and from git lab we can access a page we can communicate in called Mattermost.
To understand how it works, I went through the installation process and the documentation available here and I also found this video series that was interesting and a little clearer for me.
I installed it on mac machine. However, since I have parallel I am able to download window version as I would like to try both systems.
To show files write ls
to move between files write cd
git pull download files from the master branch
git rm . -r remove all files from the repo (-r for recursive)
git add . add all new files to your branch
git commit -m "comment" commit the changes
git push push all changes to the master repository
And now to put some content!!
list formats: convert -list format
convert JPG to PNG: convert input.jpg output.png
convert all JPGs to PNGs: mogrify -format png *.jpg
convert SVG to PNG at 1000 DPI: convert -density 1000 -units PixelsPerInch input.svg output.png
compress JPG to quality 50% width 1000: convert input.jpg -quality 50% -resize 1000 output.jpg/b>
compress all JPGs to quality 50% width 1000: mogrify -quality 50% -resize 1000 *.jpg