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Applications and Implications

This week is individual work only where I will propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered during this cycle. This will incorporate:

  • 2D and 3D design
  • Additive and subtractive fabrication processes
  • Electronics design and production
  • Embedded microcontroller interfacing and programming
  • System integration and packaging.

Learning outcomes

  • Define the scope of a project
  • Develop a project plan


What will it do?:

  • What will it do?:

The ThermoSphere is a floating battery powered temperature sensor that changes the onboard RGB LEDs color based on the temperature of its environment. It is designed to sense water temperature and the XIAO RP2040 microcontroller controls the RGB LED ring and is programmable for color and brightness.

The original concept was to inform sailors of the temperature of the water in case the boat they are in capsizes. There are many potential use cases, but one I will focus on is related to fishing. The angler would like to be informed of the temperature of water since water temperature can change the feeding habit of the fish.

Who has done what beforehand?:

  • Who has done what beforehand?:

The original Final Project consisted of many projects. With guidance from my Instructors, Pablo Nunez and Adrian Torres, as well as Rico Kanthatham the scope needs to be reduced. Content related to Managing Projects as presented by Norella Coronell and May El-Dardiry will be listed on this Final Project page.

The guidance of my Instructors was transformative for me. Pablo insisted that I stay with an original idea; and guided me toward temperature sensing to light a RGB LED. Then Adrian said, “You need to put the electronics in something; like a ball and throw it in the water.” Their interaction with me started the flow of innovations and solutions toward a goal.

For Electronics Design I will need to make a board to host the microcontroller and receive the inputs as well as send the outputs. I propose to use the Fab-XIAO with a minor FABCAT Hack that consists of a pull-up resistor for the temperature sensor and rerouting of signal lines and power lines. Adrian, thank you for your excellent guidance and inspiration!

During my research I had a lot of help from my Instructors to guide me toward a solution. Adrian Torres recommended this Weather Station Buoy by Luis Diaz-Faes for inspiration. Rico Kanthatham inspired me with his Final Project. Rico also gave my guidance to another student from his Fab Lab, Jun Kawahara Through the Weather Station Buoy, I found additional inspiration for something more within my grasp with a smaller Smart Buoy.

The ThermoSphere was in my mind’s eye, but making/designing the globe was a challenge. So I used the internet to search in for “sphere clear pla” because that was what I wanted and the material I intended to use. I got some really cool results, but the best was the Phillips Hue Globe Diffuser. THAT IS IT! I can work with that! So I researched a little bit. Turns out the author, ApatheticEnthusiasts (Robert Barton), did some research too. He summarized as, “This is a remix using parts from two things: Bottom and Top.” Eventually, I ended up with Fusion 360 design files from Abditus2 called the Sensor Sphere Box and the method of designing exactly what I need.

What will you design?:

  • What will you design?:

I will design the full housing structure starting with the “Sensor Sphere Box” made by Abditus2. I focused on the base of the Sphere and designed what I call the Electronics Housing. Further, I will design a power supply board and design the FABCAT PCB based on the FAB-XIAO design. The electronics to detect temperature and output to a RGB LED ring will be designed as well. I will also design the presentation slide with 2D design for FABCAT.

What materials and components will be used?:

  • What materials and components will be used?:

The waterproof Sensor Globe and Electronics Housing:

  • 3D PLA filament
  • polyester film for the decal
  • epoxy resin
  • waterproofing beeswax
  • snap swivel

The Electonics:

  • PCB FR-1
  • LiPo Batteries
  • RGB LED Ring
  • DS18B20 Temperature Sensor
  • XIAO RP2040 microcontroller
  • discrete smd components
  • connectors and wiring
  • screw terminal module
  • hook and loop material for PCB mounting

Where will they come from?:

  • Where will they come from?:

The 3D PLA filament came from Amazon and Prusa Research. The polyester film for the decal and the epoxy resin came from Amazon.The waterproofing beeswax and snap swivel came from local suppliers. The electronics came from Amazon and Digikey.

How much will they cost?:

  • How much will they cost?:
ThermoSphere Where to buy? Amount Price Total Price
3D PLA filament Amazon/Prusa Research 0.1 23.99 $2.40
Polyester film for the decal Amazon 0.25 22.84 $5.71
Epoxy resin Amazon 0.1 59.99 $6.00
Waterproofing beeswax Locally 0.1 1.97 $0.20
Snap swivel Locally 1 0.48 $0.48
Gikfun DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Amazon 1 2.49 $2.49
Adafruit 100226 24 RGB Neopixel LED Ring Amazon 1 20.93 $20.93
CNHL 7.4V 1500mAh 2s Li-Po Battery Amazon 1 13.28 $13.28
LM1117 5V Voltage Regulator Digikey 1 0.48 $0.48
PCB Copper Clad Board uxcell 7X10cm Amazon 2 0.949 $1.90
R_1206 Digikey 4 0.05 $0.20
LEDFAB1206 Digikey 1 0.23 $0.23
Button_Omron_B3SN_6.0x6.0mm Digikey 1 1 $1.00
Module_XIAO-RP2040 Digikey 1 4.68 $4.68
Conn_PinHeader_1x06_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD Digikey 1 0.6 $0.60
Conn_PinHeader_1x09_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD Digikey 1 0.9 $0.90
Conn_PinHeader_2x03_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD Digikey 1 0.84 $0.84
Screw terminal module Seeed Studio 2 0.15 $0.30
Capacitors Digikey 2 0.22 $0.44
Hook and Loop Tape Amazon 0.1 17.99 $1.80
Total $64.85

What parts and systems will be made?:

  • What parts and systems will be made?:

  • ThermoSphere Globe and Electronics Housing - Print Time: 24.5 hrs + 11.5 hrs = 36 hrs

  • Thermosphere Stand - Print Time: 4.5 hrs + 5.5 hrs + 2.5 hrs + 2 hrs = 14.5 hrs
  • Electronics - PCB Time: 15 hrs + 18 hrs = 33 hrs
  • Assembly - Time: 24 hrs
  • Total Time (without breaks or errors :) - 107.5 hrs or 13.5 days or approximately 2 weeks of 8 hr days.

What processes will be used?:

  • What processes will be used?:

Computer-aided design will be used to 2D design the form of the ThermoSphere Stand and 3D design of the ThermoSphere Globe and Electronics Housing. Computer-controlled cutting will be used to laser cut the template for cutting the fabric with a hot cutter and vinyl cutting the decal. Electronics design and production will be used to fabricate the FABCAT PCB for temperature sensing input and RGB LED output as well as the Power Supply Module for utilizing a 7.4V Li-Po Battery. Embedded microcontroller interfacing and programming will be used for these circuits to adjust temperature settings and RGB LED brightness. 3D printing will be used for the ThermoSphere Globe, Electronics Housing and Stand. To stablize the ThermoSphere during programming, a ring of Dacron and Epoxy made as a composite will be placed in the ThermoSphere Stand. The assembly and integration of the subsystems will result in a battery powered waterborne ThermoSphere that senses temperature and informs the user of water temperature with RGB LEDs.

What questions need to be answered?:

  • What questions need to be answered?:

Is the TermoSphere going to require a floatation device to stay above the surface of water? Is the temperature sensing sensitive enough to detect small changes in temperature over a short distance?

How will it be evaluated?:

  • How will it be evaluated?:

  • Does it float without leakage?

  • Does it provide water temperature indication?
  • Does it provide a visual indication of water temperature?
  • The project will acheive its objective if it can show me the best water to fish for trout.