The lecture is about " Neil Discuss in This Week":
This week was Introduaction about the FAB LAB and This Course, Prof. Neil Gershenfeld gave us detailed introduction about FABLAB , FABLAB Global Network and Nodes, That how they are operating,
Assignemnts :
plan and sketch a potential final project
In this week I have planed to Discribe the my final Project Idea and Design.
My Final Project Idea :
My Project is to Design the Samrt IoT Based Energy Metering Devices , This Device will Monitor The Electrical Power and Energy Consumption on real time and at the same time it will send the data to the Cloud Server, Where User as well as Supplier can Monitor the Actual Energy Consumptions,By Using this Devices We can Overcome the Miss use of Energy Consumptions.the main Application of the Devices is Home,Collage ,University, Small Industory as well as We Can Attached this Small Device with any Appliances like a Air Conditioners,Refrigerator,Heater,Motors and others to Monitor the Energy Consumptions.
I have design the Rough Sketch of my Project on the page that is like this. first I have design the block Diagram of Device and its Connection with the Load and Gird.

After that I have planed for the to design Electronics Hardware.

The Final Look for the 3D design for the Project.

The final Look of My Project, and all other details will be Available on the Final Project Week.
Project Requirments for Hardwares :
for the Energy meter Design, first we Need the Electronics Components So list is Here.

In hardware, I will design the PCB Board , That Board is combine of the Energy Meter Break Out Borad and ESP-8266 Module, First I will design the Board in Eagle CAD, After That I will Mill it and Solder the Board. When Soldering finished then I will Power to Board and test it with the Load and with Load , after the Testing process I will Program the ESP micro Controller to Measure the Power , Energy and Send it on the Web Server, after the All Testing in finally I will design the 3D CAD Design for the Casing the Energy Meter.
Fab Academy Student Agreement

Conclusion :
This week was very Infomative and it has motivited me to Design and Learn about the Faberication process , In this week Just I have learned about the planing and Fab Global Network how to run.
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