06 Feb, 2019

Computer-Controlled Cutting: build your own press fit kit

In Computer-Controlled Cutting we learned how to use the laser cutter and the vinyl cutter. For each machine we were asked to develop something that can cover all the aspects we learned while using each machine. In laser cutter we were asked to design and cut our own press fit kit, and in vinyl cutter we were asked to expolre the capability of the machine by design whatever we want and cut it using the vinyl cutter.

The Group Assignment

For the group assignment this week we were asked to characterize our lasercutter parameters (e.g. foucus, power, speed, rate kerf, and joint clearance) for different type of materials. In our lab we decided to examine two different material; cardboard, and acryilic to see the performance of our lasser cutter according to the parameters mentioned when dealing with these materials.