Mechanical Design
After the lecture we decied to have a team brainstorming session.
A few ideas for the machine were threwn around and we kept getting back to these possibilities
We chose to go for the digital artist machine and split our group into 4 groups consisting of a 2 wo/man team.
Our Team is responsible for image processing, translating and sending of a photo to GCode.
This had been decided after our team brainstorming session.
Installing the Raspberry Pi, is pretty straight forward and pretty quick.
The tools we are using are:
The requirements for GRBLWeb:
First off, we needed had some issues with the Jessie image so we downgraded to Wheezy and skip-upgraded to Stretch.
In order to do this we ran sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
. Afterwards we checked the build with cat /etc/os-release
We enabled SSH for quick configuration via Putty, but wanted a webGUI to manage the RPi for the less Linux initiated.
So we installed Webmin by doing the following: wget
followed by the dpkg --install webmin_1.910_all.deb
Now we are able to access the RPi via http://raspberrypi:10000
Downloading the webmin via wget.
Installing webmin with dpkg command
Logging in with the root (yes I know, but it is for testing purposes) account.
The webmin dashboard
Easy command scheduling.
Installing Inkscape could not be more straight forward. Just run the command, sudo apt-get install inkscape
and it will install all dependencies and packages for you.
Version 0.92.4 already comes with the GCode plot extension installed, so no more serperate configuration required.
Now we test Inkscape with the Gcode extenstion.
Here we need to define our tools.
We ran into some issues, but this was becuase of the learning curve, which is actually pretty low, it just requires a quick read.
So we opted to use my fellow student John as model. FYI, he is actually a real joke
What a stud (the middle one) eh?
For the GRBLWeb by Andrew Hodel: you can refer to his GitHub page: here.
The requirements for the webGUI are NVM, Node JS & NPM.
In order to install these we can runn the following commands:
git clone ~/.nvm
$ sudo echo "source ~/.nvm/" >> ~/.bashrc && sudo echo "source ~/.nvm/" >> ~/.profile
nvm install 8.11.4
nvm install --lts
, if latest is preferednpm -g install npm@latest --allow-root --unsafe-perm
git clone
cd grblweb
node server.js
npm install -g forever
forever start server.js
Prep the nvm,node.js and npm
get the grblweb repo
configure the webport in the config.js, which can be found in the directory of grblweb
I installed the forever module, And solved the warning by, using an older version of node.js via nvm
I quickly ran into resource issues and the team decided it was overly ambitious at this point of time.
We got reassigned to help Julie Sundar with the programming of the interface and motor driver.