Input Devices
For my input device this week I wanted to use the touch sensor and use that later for my final project to control the table movement. First I needed to program the board. I looked into a
of my good friend of mine that participated in the FabAcademy 2015. There I could see what I was supposed to type in the command prompt to send the "c" and "make" files.
Then I installed Python, then I had to put the python command to "Path" command so I could install the programs to run the Python program to display the values of the sensor.
Here I typed just the python command and I could'nt do anything in it so I just restarted the command prompt.
I searched tha FabAcademy archive for potentiometer and found
this for reference and made my own board that was connected to two copper stickers and with that it read the difference of resistance so it's like a slider.
I know I'm supposed to have something on the copper tape but I just wanted to see if it read anything but it didn't do as well as I wanted.
In my
final project I'm going to use an accelerometer and the progrss will be documented there.
Slider test traces
Slider test outline
Slider test Eagle board file
Slider test Eagle schematic
Slider test c file
Slider test Make file
Slider test python file