My first idea of a final project.
For this week we attended the first lecture of FabAcademy 2018 and learned about how the FabLabs came to be and how they operate. The only assignment that we got was to think about our final project. What I have in mind for my final project is a large desk for my bedroom. The desk will consist of trash/bottle-bin, a section to workplace where I could paint minatures, 3d models and soldering station. In the corner I will place my PC there and at the end will be a driving wheel and a place for my VR headsets. I was thinking about to have the bins opened by motors, have a light above the workplace, maybe RGB LED's under the desk wich sync with music input and all that can be controled at the corner. Below is a rough sketch of an idea how the desk will be. One thought came to mind from my instructor is to have each section of the desk seperated so in the future I might be able to change it. My main focus is on the workspace section which is going to elevate up and down so I can either sit or stand at it.
week 3
I sketched the desk in Fusion 360 with parameters so that the design could be changed in correalation with the material that I'm going to use.
I wanted to use a slider to control the motors and in week
week 11
I made the circuit and tested it.
My final project
Close to the end I changed my final project because I think that I can't make the desk in time and was a bit complicated and would land in too many problems so I decided to go for my other idea wich is a thing that you put on a spoon and it dispenses milk into it so it doesn't get soggy and you save cereal if you get stuffed. There is a YouTuber named
William Osman
that made the
that inspired me to this. I wanted to make it so it was smaller in the hand and more of a commercial product. Then I sketched up how it was going to be layed out.
The spoon holder is going to be 3d printed, the pump as well and the tray milled with a CNC. The electronics that are going to in it are an accelerometer and a DC motor for the pump. When the person holding it makes a dipping motion and returnes withe the spoon flat the pump will engage and dispense milk into the spoon. The tray will have a button to feed the milk so you wouldn't have to do the dipping motion repeatedly, a spce for a bowl and the milk and the last thing would be the tower that would contain the pump and all electronics. This product will mainly be for people with special needs, those that need crunchy Korn Flakes and those that don't always eat all of their cereal and want to save some for later.