Some time ago Gastoncito said me: "Tio (uncle) Geny...what about if we transform my old toy car in a spaceship?".
In this assigment I used the concept worked in the COMPUTER AIDED DESING week.

So I made his dream come true.

This was my first design.

But it will take more than one plywood sheet of 122cmx244cm

Then I had to redesign my car to use only one sheet.

Time to use SHOPBOT and go to real world.
I used a plywood of 122cm x 244cm and and 10.65 mm thickness

STEP BY STEP Insert the END MILL into COLLET securely.
Spindle Assembly
Cutting parameters I used the 1/8" bit.
Feeds and Speeds
Spindle Speed = 12,000 - 14,000 RPM
Feed Rate = 3.0 inches per second
Plunge Rate = 1.5 inches per second

In my case I used 12 000 RPM

The next steps: