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Digital Fabrication in my life

I am Henry Sanchez, a peruvian social entrepreneur who has always been interested in educations and how to create new ways to do to it more interesting.

Since Digital Fabrication's philosophy came to Peru and Latin America with one of my best friends BENITO JUAREZ, I has been working to connect the digital world with the traditional education.

Together, we are working to make digital fabrication a great experience to everyone through NEVO project.

I am focusing all my energy in create more methodologies and workshops to bring the FabLab philosophy to more people in Latin America and my training in Fab Academy helped to catalyze this wonderful process. View my works here.

He is Gaston (4 years old), my nephew, I child like many in Latin America that loves to play and create wonderfull worlds using his hands and his more powerfull toll: his imagination.

Some time ago, Gaston has a partner for his aventuras, NEVO.

He, changed consumerism chip to make or Do it Yourself (DIY) chip and maybe is the first child in Latin America who designed and fabricated his first toy.

Now, he is THE AGENT Gaston and frequently received new missions from NEVO to impact his life and his town.

In Fab Academy 2015 we combined our ideas and did our best to created an amazing project. You can see our final project here.

Now, we have a great methodology to transfer digital modeling and 3D printing skills to children between 4 and 12 years old. Our workshops are 3Ds (in spanish: DinĂ¡micos, Divertidos y Digitales or Dynamic, Fun and Digital). This methodology was created with the help of Gaston (4 years old) and some time ago we are living a great experience bringing his ideas to reality.

NEVO is a system where each person can acquire, customize and transfer digital fabrication skills through a dynamic and playful environment.