Computer-Aided Design

This week, I used the free 30-day trial of Sketchup to create a 3D model of my final project proposal. Originally, I wanted to make an outdoor, waterproof light installation. I think adding a waterproof component is going to create an additional layer of complexity so I have decided to make an interior light installation instead. My model is made up of 13 component "light fixtures" on a hypothetical gallery wall; the 13 fixtures each represent the monitoring bouys that are currently in Massachusetts Bay collecting data on the North Atlantic Right Whales. I tried to render the materiality of the glass portion of the fixture to better illustrate my concept to show that at any given point there may be some lights that are on because a whale call has occurred and some that are off because whale calls are not occuring at that point in time. If I have time throughout the semester I am going to try to use the animation tool in Sketchup to render a hypothetical moment in time.





Bird's Eye

Bird's Eye



Design Files:

Sketchup Model for Final Project Concept

Jessica Metz Fab Academy 2015

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