Final Project Proposal

What will it do?

My final project is a light installation which takes North Atlantic Right Whale call data collected in Massachusetts Bay by the Bioacoustics Research Program at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and transforms it into a visual light display. Ideally, I can use the real-time data being collected by 13 auto-detection buoys set up by BRP so the visual output on my installation would express active whale calls being recorded, transforming invisible sound energy to visible light. If the real-time data can be collected, the light patterns would be unique and change throughout the year to reflect the movements and migrations of these animals.

Who's done it before?

Although it's not exactly what I am doing, Mark Fischer is exploring nuances in biological sounds using the mathematics of wavelets.

I love the quality of light in the CYCLIQUE project. This is a large-scale public art installation composed of a matrix of 256 ballons inflated with helium and LED lights. I really like the graphic that is made from the simple shape of the balloon and the white light. I will not be making a final project that has 256 elements though!

What materials and components will be required?

I plan on making all the components except for the actual light fixture. I found a flushmount globe fixture from Home Depot for under ten dollars. I finally got my wifi board to work and plan on making some minor modifications to use it for my final project. In order to use the standard light bulb in my fixture and plug my installation into a wall for power, I plan on making my own powerswitch tail.

Where will the materials come from?

Home Depot, the Fab Academy Inventory, and Mother Nature

How much will it cost?

Last time I checked, Home Depot won't accept the buttons and lint I have in my pockets as payment, so it better be under $40 bucks. Better if I can make it for $30.

What parts and system will be made?

The wifi board and powerswitch tail will be handmade by me.

What processes will be used?


What tasks need to be completed?

I bought the light fixture from Home Depot and finally got my wifi board working. I have not yet started on the powerswitch tail. I still need to work out the code in Arduino.

What questions need to be answered?

So many...

What is the schedule?

Work like crazy to get it working by June 10.

How will it be evaluated?

Hopefully everyone will think it's awesome. If not, hopefully I think it's awesome.

Jessica Metz Fab Academy 2015

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