Week 1 - Principles and practices. Project Management

Learn about Fab Labs, the Fab Network and the Fab Charter. Build a personal website. Begin planning and documenting your final project.

Build a personal website

I do not know much about web edition, so I decided to start from one made by a last year student (Juanjo Fernández) and make changes to my liking.
I used Dreamweaver because I knew it a little and I find it very useful to see code in the middle of the display and design in the other half.
This has allowed me to know what each command line means and get familiar with programming language and stylesheets.


Snapshot of the Dreamweaver´s divided interface while creating this page.


Plan and sketch a final project

This project requires to include as many abilities learned in the weekly assignments as possible.

I would like to start from a personal research project based on déployé stretchable mesh. And now I am interested in building déployé domes and control their movement through electronic devices. So that a flat surface made by concentrically articulated pieces becomes a dome made by hinged parts when stretched upward.



Déployé stretchable mesh dome made of paper. Lifted and flattened.


The control of this movement depends on the construction of the mechanism which activates the déployé dome:

The first way to lift the dome would be to use some mechanism that would push it up.
This would require the design of articulated pieces of the déployé dome on one side and the actuator mechanism on the other.
This special pieces would be manufactured in series and I think the molding would be the best way to get them.


Sketch of one way of lifting the dome.


Another way could be build it with shape memory materials such as Nitinol to receive stimulation to actuate the dome up or down.
This idea appeals to me more because both dome and actuator would be the same thing.
Besides this material is being used in the medical field and I would like to investigate it.


Sketch of another way of lifting the dome.


Also the design of the electronic actuator circuit is something that I know nothing about it today, so it will be a great challenge for me to solve it.



Make a commit in the Academy archive using Mercurial

I know nothing about programming language so as I am working with Windows 8.1 I should install CygWin on my laptop following this tutorials:


Also in the future it is said that I will use CygWin to program electronic boards (see week 04: Electronics Production).


Navigating in my computer through CygDrive.


But in order to do my first commit in the Academy Archive we decided to do it from my instructor´s laptop with terminal to be supervised by her.


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To start here you must to have copied the keys into the .ssh/academy folder (academy and academy.pub)

Now, you create a folder in your computer where you will save all the FabAcademy archives. E.g. mine is called FabAcademy2015 (Here I´ve got here my eu folder)

First time you clone with the command: (Note: you have to navigate via terminal to the FabAcademy2015/eu Folder)

Via terminal

hg clone -v ssh://hg@fabacademy-local/academy.2015/Web/eu eu

you are creating this folder:

Captura de pantalla 2015-07-01 a la(s) 21.32.29.png

Then you have to navigate to that folder (eu) via “terminal”

In terminal

nano .hg/hgrc

default = ssh://hg@fabacademy-local/academy.2015/Web/eu
username = Fabricio Santos <fabriciosantosarias@gmail.com>
ssh = ssh -p 846 -i ~/.ssh/keys/academy -C
changegroup = hg update >&2


Once you have the fresh copy in your computer you have to repeat a “mantra” to upload your changes to the repository.

Here starts the process:

  1.  I save the changes in my repository (FabAcademy2015/eu/students/santos.fabricio)
  2. Navigate (via terminal) to the eu folder
  3.  I always check the status of the mercurial with: hg status
    1. Here we have different options:
      1. Something with ? before the name of your file
      2. Something with ! before the name of your file
      3. Something with A before the name of your file
      4. Something with M before the name of your file
      5. Something with R before the name of your file
    2. You have to get only A, M or R letters before, and don´t have any ? and any !
    3. If you have a ? this means that Mercurial have detected any change: You must type: hg add
    4. If yoy have a ! this means that Mercurial have detected that you have deleted an archive and you have to tell that it is OK.  You must type: hg remove thecompleterouteandnameofthearchive
    5. After doing that, I check again : hg status
      1. And here we have only A, M and R letters before the files
  4. Well, next, I usually check if there is any change in the repository:
    1. hg incoming
    2. hg pull (you download the last version)
  5. Here Mercurial will tell you something like: hg update
    1. hg update
  6. I always check here the state of the archive:
    1. hg heads (If you have only a head, that’s ok, if there are 2 or more, you will have to merge them (hg merge if necessary)
  7. We will confirm the changes:
    1. hg commit -m “Yourmessage”
  8. Now, if we check the heads:
    1. hg heads (your only head must appear, and note you have the tip)


  1. Then I test “which thing” I’m going to upload:
    1. hg outgoing
  1. And here, if my head (and my tip) appears here I finish with:
    1. hg push
    2. I’m crossing my fingers till my computer says something like:


pushing to ssh://hg@fabacademy-local/academy.2015/Web/eu
searching for changes
remote: adding changesets
remote: adding manifests
remote: adding file changes
remote: added 1 changesets with 26 changes to 26 files
remote: 26 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved

    1. If not, you NEVER NEVER NEVER force Mercurial to push (repeat all the process from pull, inclusive)

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I also followed Anna Kaziunas tutorials:


And this was one successful outcome from Terminal.

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· Terminal


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