
The kinematics usefull for my project are: Classical Cartesian, H-Bot and Core XY

In the Cartesian stage every axis have own motor, H-bot and CoreXY use both motor to move in XY The big choice is between H-Bot and CoreXY

Reading about these kinematics I discovered some strengths and weaknesses for both.

Classical Cartesian

gf XY cartesian stage

This stage have one motor for Y and another one for X, but the X motor is directly linked to the axis and this increase the weight on Y axis.

More weight means less movement speed


s Force rapresentation on H-Bot stage

H-Bot have a clean and lightweight design.

The big problem of H-bot you can see in the image above:to move in X directio I have to spin motors counterclockwise, but this produce an hard net torque on the X axis.

One way to solve this problem is to create a strong structure, but my project will be made by wood or 3D printed parts that not guarantee this rigidity .

Core XY

s Force rapresentation on CoreXY stage

CoreXY have the same clean and lightweight design of H-Bot.

The crossing belt solves the net torque problem as shown in the figure above.

One problem of CoreXY is the crossing belt that maybe cause a misalignment of the belt route. I'm planning to use fishing line instead the classical belt.

Useful links

Research and Inspiration for final project

In this page I will collect and describe useful links that possibly help me to my target.
