My Project

My project

The driver to my project is something that fits with the ethos of FabLab London ( sustainability, recycling, design, reuse and IOT) and could be of value to other Fab Labs.


final 2



The plan is to make a semi-autonomous vacuum/ hoover for night cleaning the floors at the Lab.


The design will aim to be…..

  • easy to build by another lab
  • use as much reclaimed/ reusable/ sustainable components /products as possible – motors, rods, fans, tubing, sensors
  • use the machines in a FAB LAB for the build
  • not require anything bespoke or unique
  • be able to run over night on its own – ideally with a battery recovered from something
  • navigate round objects, back up, move away
  • random motion rather than pattern
  • manage the battery to last as long as possible
  • use sensors/ network to update on status

Nice to have would be to add self parking but time will determine – Location determination would be from a low power beacon and radio power/ time and application of a binary algorithm to search for home.  However, need to determine how long power pack will last.  Complexity will be charging connectors, charge rates and a heap of additional hosing work…… probably to much for the time available.


Based on Fab Academy skills…..

  • Utilise the Fab ISP for sensors, navigation (re-use one rather than new)
  • Design controller for motor and fan
  • Floor pan -most likely CNC mill/ – provide structure
  • Motor housing – laser cut – means easy to adapt for other labs based on recovered motors
  • front sensor stand and housing  – 3D print
  • possible cast / mould for the vacuum pick up and fan housing, but preference is to use existing plastic containers, with a cast/ moulded frame. But less worried as composite now on Fab Bike!


1. recover the build the parts from eco-waste – COMPLETE

2. assemble main structure – Design done, need iteration

3. Simple code for movement to prove -Done

4. complex movement coding –

5. power management

6. Assemble and put up GoPro to watch an nights activity…