Today it is not one day as all the others: today it is the first day of school.
And today it’s the first time that I write a line of code.
Our assignment for the week: make my personal Fab Academy web site and sync whit Git Hub.
For the realisation of the web site, we're being advised to use Brackets an open source text editor. Brackets is available for all operating systems. It allows to edit in rapid way the code HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You can use it off line, and visualize your code directly in the browser. Cool!!!
Whit Git Hub, a kind of social code web-based repository hosting service, is possible to upgrade (pull) or download (push) files, folders or what du you prefer. It’s an easy and powerful way to develop and manage projects alone, whit a group of people or whit the whole world. It is very convenient and useful for maintain the nexus of the development of a project and share it.
Anywy, I feel good this first approach to the code: use an Html text editor for coding or Terminal for synchronize in Git Hub, give me for the first time, the sensation to use my computer differently. Overcome the barriers of the graphic interface, is very stimulating. I don't hide that the difficulties of “coding” are a lot: I 'm very slow in every operation that I will try to do.
Google is my best friend.
This web site is the demonstration of my small progress :-)
Git hub command for sincronisation of the repository : use this sequence of command in Terminal when you are in the folder that you wont to syncronise.
git status —> Status of modification of repository
git add -A . —> Add all file
git pull —> To get an updated version of everything
git commit -m "message" —> For saving a commit in the local repository
git push —> To send everything you commited to github
The Photogrammetric 3D Fab Scanner is a closed box witch include:
--> A curved rail for the vertical movement of a consumer digital camera
--> A rotary dish, where to put down the object to scan.
--> A lighting LED autonomus system
One time that the box closed, the process start: every time that the dish turns by an established angle, the photographic camera will take a picture.
A replicable, low cost, photogrammetry light box.