Week 2Week 2::Computer-aided design

- Assignment: model (draw, render, animate, simulate, ...) a possible final project, and post it on your class page

To perform the tasks in this this week I decided to use the following programs:

  • Photoshop CS5: For the layout and retouching of images for the web.
  • Corel Draw X5: For creating drawings of baby crib.
  • Catia V5: To create the definitive model of a cot and a description of mobile toy.
  • Notepad++: For edit/create this web page.

First Design in corel Draw
Fig1. - Corel Draw X5: First Design

Corel Draw is a software application that I use for almost everything (schedules, posters, covers dossier, models, ...). I feel pretty comfortable with this program, so I decided to create the initial model with it. I created the vector of a teddy bear that I would add to cradle baby, when I have made the front of the crib I would burn it on laser or CNC machine.

Fig2. - Teddy bear

I think Corel Draw generates files for laser cutting machines and cutting vinyl (or so I read), next week will prove it with vinyl cutting machine.

This is an early version, is not valid for the prototype, just to make a first impression of the baby crib.

File (.dxf format): corelcuna.dxf

I've never done 3D design, thanks to Raul Diosdado for giving me some quick lessons on Catia. This program has a short learning curve, and although I do not know even 1% of its possibilities, has enabled me to design baby cot quite accurately. I had to make some changes to the original design that I made in Corel Draw, Catia has allowed me to observe in detail how to assemble the parts.

Front and Back
Fig3. - Step 1: Front and Back
Fig4. - Step 2: Side
Fig5. - Step 3: Base
Mobile parts
Fig6. - Step 4: Elements for the mobile toy
Mobile and assembling
Fig7. - Step 5: Mobile and assembling
Assembling (II)
Fig8. - Step 6: Assembling (II)
Fig9. - Step 7: Rendering
Rendering II
Fig10. - Step 8: Rendering (Other possibilities)


All parts
Fig11. - All pieces of the baby cot