Week18Week 18::Project Development


complete your final project, tracking your progress

what tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?

As targets for project completion had marked the following phases:
- Communication between the motor driver / Raspberry Pi / Fabkit
- Creating web server accessible from LAN devices
- Moving children's toy motor through the web app
- Webcam Control via web app
- Control of light through web app
- Sound control via web app.

The tasks that have not completed are controlling light and sound control (although the web app are preinstalled). I focused on the crib meets minimum functionality, as recommended by Neil in the latest revision before the final presentation of the project. The main impediment to completely finish all objectives has been the short time available. From September I will continue developing new features of this project.

what has worked? what hasn't?

All parts of the project have worked well, only I had to solve a problem with the motor power supply, initially, both fabkit as the motor controller fed on the Raspberry Pi, this was causing occasional system operating is blocked(the only solution in these cases was reset). To resolve this situation I have fed the engine from an external source (a battery holder 6V, 4xAA)

what questions need to be resolved?

As I mentioned earlier, the only questions that need to be resolved are related to programming in python to play sounds through a website, but it has been a matter of lack of time has prevented me investigate how

what will happen when?

So far everything has worked properly, the cradle can be controlled via an IP address through devices (phones, tablets or PCs), particularly in these times you can turn on or off the engine of the child's toy, or turn on or off camera (for video images in real time on the web app that controls the cradle)

what have you learned?

With this project I learned to design in 2D and 3D, using the milling machine to create furniture, print properly with 3D printers, design and create electronic circuits, communicate different microcontrollers, programming in: Python, PHP, HTML, ... Raspbian mounting services, simple mechanics, laser cutting ... But most importantly, I learned to unite all these disdiplinas to create a project. (I've also learned how should NOT paint DM;) )

documentation during development

All documentation "step by step" is detailed in the section final project, to access click here