For this week Assignment I wanted to design and make a board that will replace an Arduino for a project that I made. It is a lamp that can be lit in any color and is controlled only by Radio-frequency identification tags (RFID) .


The electronics consist of an Arduino Uno and a set of three transistors that amplify the PWM signal from the Arduino with a 12V current. I wanted to make a single PCB that has all of the components and get rid of all the cables.


Using Eagle I modified the Hello-World board and designed it a few different ways. This is the final SCH and BRD files


Finally I designed this board. The Auto Route function wasn't able to connect all elements so I manually connected them using some 0 OHM resistors as bridges.

Milled it.


And soldered the components. Two connections were lost during the milling so I had to make wire bridges.


The code for the serial communication with the RFID board is different when using an AtTiny44 chip. I had to change the serial.h library to SoftwareSerial.h and manually insert the pin numbers for Tx Rx communication.

Next I Started working on another board. With two of LEDs, two Photoresistors and two small DC motors.

Here are the SCH and BRD files.

Milled and soldered.



I finally found a way to use the board on week 14