


Hg affected files
When viewing in Nautilus
Note the small circles on the files. These are added by TortoiseHg to indicate changes to the files monitored by Mercurial. It's a nice feature but somehow I can't seem to refresh them.
  • Green - no changes
  • Red - changes to the file
  • Blue - file not in mercurial

Setup for FabAcademy

# Mecurial installation & initial guide

# Mercurial tutorial

# setup mercurial
# edit ~/.hgrc
	username = Rodney Dorville 

# academy tutorial help:

# copy the academy, into .ssh folder

# clone the archive originally
hg clone -e "ssh -p 846 -i ~/.ssh/academy" ssh:// /srv/FabLab_Archive

	>> output----
	requesting all changes
	adding changesets
	adding manifests
	adding file changes
	added 149 changesets with 2286 changes to 1599 files
	updating to branch default
	1104 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
	>> ----

# setup the hgrc file
echo -en "\n\n[ui]\nusername = Rodney Dorville \nssh = ssh -i ~/.ssh/academy -C\n\n[extensions]\nconvert =\nfetch =\n\n[hooks]\n\nchangegroup = hg update >&2" >> /srv/FabLab_Archive/.hg/hgrc

# updating the archive
# change to Archive
cd /srv/FabLab_Archive
# update
hg pull

	>> output ----
	pulling from ssh://
	searching for changes
	no changes found

# update your website and transfer files to dorville.rodney
# update the main sites
cd /srv/FabLab_Archive
hg pull
hg update
hg addremove
hg commit -m "Updated on: XX-XX-XX some meaningful message"
hg push


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Not being of a artistic mind, I have shamelessly borrowed this template (simpleStyle_8) from html5webtemplatesin recognition of a simple, cool and functional webpage design.