
This Weeks Assignment is to fabricate a Part using a composite Material to be honest getting materials such as Fiber glass Epoxy and polyester is hard but there are other materials you can use such as normal fabrics and paper Mache like material it is basically the same process but different materials and because of technical difficulties using the shopbot i will be using the laser cutter

Project: 1- Tetris Blocks 2- 3D scanner Skin

Goal: To make a mold and fabricate commposite parts out of it and/or create a simple shell and renforce it with a composite material

Files for this assignment can be found here

Let the Dance Begin !!!

At 1st I wanted to build something using the Pepkura method where you get your 3d models sliced into 2d pieces that can then be laser cut, vinyl cut and/or print them on card stock material and then you can bend and glue the pieces together

And the plan was to instead of doing one ~2ft long piece the idea was to build a lot of Titers blocks over 2ft long in totals but because of time constrains i had to scratch the proect

and Now going back to the 3D Printing and scanning assignment you can find pics of the 3D scanner which was out in the open nothing enclosing the internal and such

so i wanted a crack at making a composite shell for the 3d scanner so let's crack open Inventor and design the form

Form Design Parameters:

So starting with Top/Bottom Part

and the form Posts

And after a bit of VE Assembly we can see how it going to look (Just imagine 16 more Posts)

OK and after a bit of laser cutting

The Theory of operation is glue the bottom piece to the posts unlike the top which is just dry fitted for allowing of opening and removal of the part

Now For the actual commposite material snce this is my 1st time doing a Wet Lay up i went for A cotton based Fabric and Epoxy Mix Teoritcly it is suposed to work (Cross your Fingers)

Steps Used:

  1. Cut the fabric into apropriot length
  2. cover the form with a relasae agent
  3. Mix the Epoxy resin
  4. dip the fabric into the Resin
  5. squezze the extra resin from the Fabric
  6. start laying up the material layer by layer

and This is what we get not perfect need to work out a better way for fixturing the forn also for laying up the Fabric

Unfortunately as of the time i am uploading this assignment the composite part well be still setting

Unfortunately this all for this week see you next week