the goal was to program the board made in week 6 to do something, or many somethings.
the board from week 6 didn't mill very nicely, as one can see here:
so i designed and miiled a new one, and this time it turned out better.
this time i redesigned the board so that traces were not as close to one another.
that required two jumpers, since i didn't want to run 3 traces under the IC, only two.
the pads for the jumpers can be seen on the upper right area.
the stuffing as usual takes me a looooong time, but went well.
i improvised wire jumpers, i guess there must be a better way! this step took me quite a long time, it proved quite difficult to solder the wire jumpers.
because they dissipate heat so well, while soldering one end the other end kept getting unsoldered!
i also suspect the i made the pads for the jumpers too small, which also didn't improve the situation.
the sketch used to program the attiny was the BUTTON sketch from the arduino IDE exapmles folder.
a change had to be made to the sketch to adapt it to the different design of our board.
in the next 2 pictures one can see the compiling and uploading of the sketch to the board:
here i changed the sketch to make the LED blink with different delays: