Assignment: develop a plan for dissemination of your final project.

In conjunction with the mechanicl and electronic compilation of the final project, this week was the development of an ecenomical plan of distribution. Again, for my component, I am responsible for fabrication of the pan and tilt heads of our table tennis practice machine. Once the entire machine has been complete, there are no further plans in order to copyright, trademark or generate some type of income/profit. Instead, a possible platform that will be used not just for my personal aspect of the project, but for the machine in general will be to upload my design as a public domain so that anyone that may have an idea like this can use it and update it with their own ideas. Also, after having explored the ideas of ping pong and finding that there are people who enjoy this game, for the Detroit FabLab, we will use this machine to official use as a tool of practice and even start a club or use our skills to teach other young people the game.