About me

Hi, I'm Gustavo. I was born in Colombia, where I graduated in Mechatronic Engineer. I live in Cartagena (Spain) since 10 years, a wonderful city full of history. Here in Spain I homologated my degree of Engineer in Automation and Industrial Electronics, and I have done also a Master in Prevention of Occupational Risks. Currently, I am a PhD student in Industrial Technologies at the Technical University of Cartagena (UPCT).

I’m working since 5 years as researcher in the Technological Research Support Service (SAIT) of the UPCT, developing projects focused on the area of occupational risk prevention and safety of industrial machines, application of new technologies to multidisciplinary projects in engineering, architecture, archeology, virtual reality content, augmented reality, electronic design, 3D scanning and printing, motion capture systems, virtual reality simulators, holographic projection, 360°(three hundred and sixty dregree) video recording and editing.

research projects