May 19: applications and implications

Week Seventeen


Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered, answering:

What does it do?

Who's done what beforehand?

What did you design?

What materials and components were used?

Where did they come from?

How much did they cost?

Pre made items


What parts and systems were made?

What processes were used?

3D Printing

Laser cutting



What questions were answered?

Bottle opener





What worked? What didn't?

What worked?

What didn't?

How was it evaluated?

  1. It it used as a bottle opener rather than other bottle openers
  2. It is left on display to be used as well as being aesthestically pleasing when not in use
  3. The neopixels turn on when the cap falls and not before
  4. People are surpriced when it starts to light up
  5. The cap moves down the tubes in a pleasing way and is random every time.

What are the implications?

Aims for your final project

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