My Final Project

Brainstorming Ideas

Week 1: I started by doing a brain dump of all the ideas I had in my head. This is when I realised I liked the idea of being able to make something that gives a positive output, something that will make someone react to it.


In the beginning I wanted to make something funny that would put a smile on someones face. I was coming up with very silly ideas that didn't have a huge purpose but would make an impact. Such as a cup holder that was attached to a bracelet which the owner would wear and then the cup was moved off the coaster by a different person it would produce a loud noise or flash very aggressively.

I then thought about how when I am emotional, I wish I had a way of hiding that I am crying but also to stop me crying. This is when I thought of the jellyfish hat where the tentacles come down to stop people seeing that I am crying but then it also shakes so the tentacles move but to also stop me crying because it is distracts me.


Then speaking to my instructor he suggested I write down all the input and outputs that I can think of that could be used:


- press button - song - laugh - face recognision - leaver - peddle - smells - lights - cry - temperature - movement


- smells come out - sound - light - string - movement - shaking - something falling - something opening or closing - music - spinning -

Final Project

Version 1.0

Children's mobile which turns on when a baby starts to fidget or cries.

I then realised I could put a smile on someones face just by making something sweet or with a positive outcome. I was lying in bed and my housemate had brought me a glass mobile which hangs off my light, it was moving in the wind and the light was shining off it. I also at the moment know a lot of people who are pregnant or who have children and thought it would be fun to make a children mobile which when the baby starts to cry or maybe fidgeting would turn on, playing a lullaby and moving around just like a mobile to stop the baby from crying and send it back to sleep.


Baby cries or fidgets --> mobile picks up movement and sound --> turns on --> spins around and plays a lullaby --> baby get distracted by the mobile and then got back to sleep or stops crying so much.

Overview of Week One

Getting back to sketching has been such a great start to Fab Academy and getting that part of my brain working again is amazing! I obviously wasn't sure how this is going to work when it comes to the electronics, but just by writing down some of the input and outputs that cna be used really helped me understand what can be done. I also just like to talk to people about what I am doing to see what is capable.

I hadn't found someone before who had done this exact idea in Fab Academy, so I decided to google it online and I did find someone who has done electronics - their project.Its great to see someone else has thought of this idea and I therefore know this could be achieved.

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