About | Student Agreement

Hi, I'm Selena. I'm a Graphic Designer and Illustrator who is fond of mechanisms and interactions, my practice is located between the fields of Graphic Design and Product Design. I come from Gif Sur Yvette in France, it is where I have been living forever now, and it is also where I will attend the Fab Academy, at the Fablab Digiscope.
Previous work
☛ Cardboard Cinematograph

This cardboard cinematograph was conceived in "practical class" during my first year of graphic design, the assignment was to represent the movement through an object.
This prototype reproduces in a very simple way how a cinematograph projects "moving" images : A crank is rotating a film a rhodoid, on which the images are hand-drawn. A long-range lamp aided by a fresnel lens are used as a projector. The size of the projected image can be adjusted by pushing or pulling the handle at the back of the cardboard machine. The 10 secondes animation drawn is displaying the takeoff of a rocket and its landing on the moon, a quick "remake" of a scene from The Travel to the Moon of Georges Méliès.
☛ Aux Berges

This is a prototype for a box of rubber stamps for writing recipes using symbols, and a recycled paper in which vegetables and aromatics seeds were added. This is part of a bigger project that you can find on my website, I chose to highlight this aspect of the project as it is my first encounter with a lasercut machine. The box and its items are conceived "level by level" with 3mm MDF and glue on a few parts. A simple all-lasercutted mechanism makes the stamp pencil modular by allowing to change the rubber stamps.
The paper is made with mixed newspaper, then pressed and dried with seeds included. The scenario would have been to stamp recipes of these seeded papers, then to make the recipe and use it to grow vegetables for a later use.
☛ Vocolutions Dissologiques

Vocolutions Dissologiques is a research project on speech therapy and graphic design, made with the help of a speech therapist who gave me feedback all along the process, and a computer science student who helped me for the electronics part. It is composed of two parts, the first being a research on the typographic forms of the voice in order to visualize it. And a second part focusing on the control of the breath. These machines are playful tools for breath rehabilitation in a speech therapy context.
The controller is made with propellers on which the user has to blow in order to use the drawing-machines and the labyrinth. The goal of this process is to practice the control the breath by focusing on solving another problem, to reproduce a sketch, free-drawing and solving a labyrinth. For now.
☛ Arcade

I worked for a year in a "toy library" (I am unsure of this translation, but a toy library is basically a place you can come to play all kind of games, from construction games to board games and digital ones). The association was planning to organise a Retro-Games end-of-year party and asked if I could build an arcade. And this is it, my laser-cutted arcade with no screws needed to assemble it, designed using Illustrator only. (But swrews were added to make it more secure anyway). The electronics involved are a Raspberry Pi with Recalbox installed on it, a kit of arcade buttons, joysticks and usb encoder, and an amplifier and speakers. I made the illustrations on Illustrator Adobe as well and made it print on vynil sticker. The "AVAG" on the front of was realised with a 3D printed stencil and spray paint. This was a cool project to work on !
☛ Pre Fab Academy

Before beginning the Fab Academy, I attended the Pre Fab Academy program at the Fablab Digiscope. This consisted in several workshops introducing the basics of electronics and programming for Arduino, as well as working with the gitlab environment for documenting my discovery of working with all these new tools.
In those pictures there is a drawing-machine controlled with continuous servo-motors, a design for the Atari Punk Console, and some tests for a composite material with sawdust. And here is a link to my first steps in trying to document projects. ☛ slnpr.gitlab.io/