This is me!
This is my dinosaur!
About me
Hi, my name is Lana Sattelmaier! I'm a research assistant at Hochschule Ruhr-West in Bottrop currently working on the research area smart home, smart living and further education of artisans. Additionally, I'm pursuing a master's degree in computer science. Previously I studied human-computer interaction where I started to become active in a FabLab (the one at our university). I am a FabLab member since almost 6 years now and enjoy the work I (used to, due to a certain pandemic) do there a lot. My favorite thing is learning new things, thats why I'm looking forward to take part in the Fab Academy!
My Background
I grew up in a tiny german village next to the dutch border (Bundesland NRW/ Provincie Limburg), but I was born in Heinsberg, Germany. I miss the big forest which is located in that area, that's why I want to make an interactive whimsical forest diorama for my final project!
Student agreement
The Fab Academy is responsible for :
- Teaching principles and practices of digital fabrication
- Arranging lectures, recitations, meetings, and events for the class
- Evaluating and providing feedback on student work
- Offering clear standards for completing assignments
- Certifying and archiving student progress
- Supervising class preparation
- Reviewing prospective students, instructors, and labs
- Providing central staff and infrastructure for students, instructors, and labs
- Fund-raising for costs not covered by student tuition
- Managing and reporting on the program's finances, results, and impacts
- Publicizing the program
- Promoting a respectful environment free of harassment and discrimination
I am a Fab Academy student, responsible for :
- Attending class lectures and participating in reviews
- Developing and documenting projects assigned to introduce and demonstrate skills
- Honestly reporting on my work, and appropriately attributing the work of others
- Working safely
- Leaving workspaces in the same (or better) condition than I found them
- Participating in the upkeep of my lab
- Ensuring that my tuition to cover local and central class costs is covered
- Following locally applicable health and safety guidance
- Promoting a respectful environment free of harassment and discrimination
Signed by committing this file in my repository,
Lana Sattelmaier