Principle and practices

Week 1- Documentation


Final project proposal: Varða

My proposal for a final project is a beacon system that allow you to track your outdoor activities and speacially hiking and clould work as an automatic guestbook and checkpoint, when you reach the Varða(the beacon) you would scan your phone and automatically be signed in to the Varða.

I´m in the local search and rescue and I belive that the Varða would also be able to help the search and rescue dramatically to locate a lost person if the person had checked into the Varða.

The reason for the shape of the Varða is because varða transates into a cairn wich can often be spotted on top of mountains. The Varða is made to look like a modern version of a cairn and the scanner will be placed in the pocket as shown in the images below.

varða fusion sketch
varða front view sketch
varða top view sketch
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