Computer aided design

Week 1- Documentation



My proposal for a final project is a beacon system that allow you to track your outdoor activities and speacially hiking and clould work as an automatic guestbook and checkpoint, when you reach the Varða(the beacon) you would scan your phone and automatically be signed in to the Varða.

I´m in the local search and rescue and I belive that the Varða would also be able to help the search and rescue dramatically to locate a lost person if the person had checked into the Varða.

The reason for the shape of the Varða is because varða transates into a cairn wich can often be spotted on top of mountains. The Varða is made to look like a modern version of a cairn and the scanner will be placed in the pocket as shown in the images below.


I started out by making a sketch on pice of paper. I usually always start with a pice of paper because it´s so easy to make and throw away. In the beginning your sketch does not need to be perfect.

varða fusion sketch varða fusion sketch

Fusion: Varða

My step two in designing is usually 3D I used Fusion 360 to help designing the Varða. I started out by making just an awful sketch to help me understanding the design better before makeing a more detailed design. Varða is made up in four parts: shell, frame, platform and the main box wich has the computer box and computer. The Varða is made up with four components:

The main problems this week was in Fusion 360, I had problems with the components and how to work with them. I watched a tutorial by Lars Christensen who explained components for me. The problem I had was that I did´nt understand how to work with multible components.

varða fusion sketch varða fusion sketch

Slicer: Making reality

Step 3 was Slicer, all I did in Slicer was that I imported my Fusion model of the frame into Slicer and made a sliced model of my Fusion model and exported it back to Fusion for rendering. In Slicer I selected how many layers I wanted to have and how to allighnment of the beams was and how many beams I wanted to have. The model that I made in Slicer is the frame for my project.

varða fusion sketch

Krita: Raster

With Krita I made an painting of the Varða where the Varða is seen ontop of Eldfell, a volcano that erupted 1973. I used a drawingpad to create the painting and it took a couple of minutes to get comfortable with it. Krita is a great software to create sketches and artwork but for product development if you are a beginner.

varða fusion sketch

Inkscape: Vector

Inkscape was very similiar to Krita in this project, it was not in practical use. I used Inkscape to make a logo for my final project. I inserted an image of an cairn into Inkscape and made into an vector by tracing bitmark and playing around with the threshold settings until I was happy with the result. After I had made it into a vector I deleted all the extra stuff I did'nt want like the backgound. After that I started playing with the cairn and made it look like my sketches of the final project. After I was happy with the look of the Varða I moved it into an logo I had already made couple days prior.

varða fusion sketch

Fusion: Computer box

After making the simple Fusion model of the Varða I desided to make the waterproof(hopefully) box that would keep the computer safe from weather. The box is pretty simple and is made to be strong and weatherproof. The box is made up with three components: box, lid and glass. The box has plexy glass window and is for a screen. The box has rubber insulation to keep it safe from water. I used the fillet command alot in this project and is it displayd with lot of curves and round edges.

varða fusion sketch

Render: Fusion

I used Fusion to render my project. Fusion render is extremely easy to use and is surprisingly good. I rendered my computer box and the frame all using Fusion.

varða fusion sketch varða fusion sketch


Software I used:

Tutorials I used: