Week 1

January 30th

Today I installed and started using Git (a version control software) through the link. I found this tutorial very interesting , but the explanations of my tutor helped me more.
I don't deny that I had some difficulties at the beginning, but with practice everything has become easier and easier.
Our tutor explained that there is both a local repository and a remote one and that what we write in our local repository is not automatically saved in the remote one.
Once I entered my GitLab student account through the link received by email, after clicking on the avatar icon (user setting) at the top right, I selected "setting" and then "SSH Keys".

I then followed the instructions obtained by clicking on "generate one".
I created my key using my email. This is my key: ssh-keygen -t rsa -f keyname -C "97chiara.diana@gmail.com.
I copied my public key to the clipboard using the command for windows: cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub | clip
Then I added my SSH public key to my GitLab account.
Subsequently I created a folder on the desktop called "fabacademy2020" where I put the repository folder and where I created a folder per week where I put all the documents weekly.
I cloned the folders created by fibasile and present in my repository in my fablab2020 folder. To do this I clicked on the arrow in the "clone" button and copied the SSH code.

In the shell I initially wrote pwd to understand where I was, I was in /c/Users/CHIARA/Desktop. To access the fabacademy2020 folder I wrote cd fabacademy2020/ and the system through the warning "Cloning into 'chiara-diana' " warned me that the material had been cloned in my repository. He flagged the files in red because they were deleted, but it was a deliberate operation and I flagged it with the git commit -m "fresh start", but it failed because Git didn't know my identity. So I completed the configuration by entering my name and email (making a few spelling mistakes that Git reported to me).

The commit has therefore been recognized

Name and mail in the commit

To push it in the remote repository, I wrote Git push origin master

The system gave me positive feedback! Specifically: To gitlab.fabcloud.org:academany/fabacademy/2020/labs/santachiara/students/chiara-diana.git 5290631..8e9c4b3 master -> master

January 31th

The task that my tutor gave me for this morning is:
1. create a file on Brackets called "01.txt", insert in the text the Infinity of Leopardi and push this on git;
2. create a file on Brackets called "02.txt", insert in the text the poem Ozymandias by Shelley and push this on git;
3. finally change the content of the file "01.txt" and push this on git.
(Pure exercise to get familiar with the program). Once I typed pwd on Git to understand where I was, cd De to enter the desktop and cd fabacademy2020/ to enter the folder and cd chiara-diana/ to enter my repository, I wrote git status and the system told me that my branch was up to date with 'origin/master' and found my files. Subsequently, writing git add o1.txt and then git status I could see that the system had committed the new file and reported that there was a untacked file that I had not yet committed. Selecting the string git commit -m "add file 01.txt" I could commit the file.
The system then told me that my branch was ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit and reported me to use "git push" to publish my local commits. I then typed git push origin master.
At this point it was all up-to-date.
I repeated the same procedure for the 02.txt file and for the file I later modified on Brackets. (I didn't know that you could commit and push files together!)
In the slides you can also see that I repeated the process to create the site I'm writing on! The pages created are: index.html, about.html , week1.html, week2.html (one page for each week). Alsp, in the first slide you can see my typing error: by mistake I had written one or instead of a 0 in the file name and the program highlighted the error with fatal.
Furthermore, when I repeated the process for the 02.txt file I was repeating the necessary step to get to my repository, but I was already there! I have to pay more attention!

February 3rd

This site is created with the html language. I already had a minimum (very very minimum) knowledge of this mark up language and I decided to use this opportunity to reinforce this knowledge, but above all to totally manage the code (with CMS this sometimes becomes more difficult). For the moment I decided that it's better to sacrifice the aesthetics to give more value to the content, in time I will try to take care of that too! The tutorials that will serve me as a guide are: Bootstrap and W3School.
As said above, I created on Brackets (my code editor) a file for each page of the site. Right now I'm writing on week1.html . All the pages have a menu with the items "home", "about me", "weeks" and "final project".
The first part of the code I entered is the one that allows me to upload the bootstrap css to my site. You can find it by clicking on the "Getting started" button at the top left.

Other useful codes are those to isolate, center and make the images responsive. Create a slideshow (like the one above).
Create a link like this.
Create the menu

February 4th

Although I've been working on the site for a few days and it's not finished yet, I pushed it into the server to make it public.
These are the steps: