Week 17 - Mechanical Design and Machine Design


- design a machine that includes mechanism+actuation+automation
- build the mechanical parts and operate it manually
- document the group project and your individual contribution

Olivia De Masi, Elena Racanicchi, Chiara Diana

You can find individual contribution in the following documentation links:
- Chiara Diana: Machine design;
- Elena Racanicchi: Electronics design and production;
- Olivia De Masi: Programming.


Once each of us had their parts ready for the assembly we faced a couple of problems: in particular the spray bottle that we used was too big and, combined with the width od the dc motor and its support, we realized we didn't have enough space to fit them in the sanitizing box. So we thought that the quickest way to solve the problem was to turn around things a bit. We moved the motor securing it with screws at the back of the box.

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After we solved this issue we were able to assebly the whole thing:

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After assembling the plywood pieces we inserted the electronic parts: LCD, the two LEDs, the DC motor, the sonar sensor and the board which was connected to a 12V supply.

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machine2 from Olivia De Masi on Vimeo.