Assignment Description

Week 14 (Networking and Communications)


Weekly Assignment

  • Group Assignment: Send a message between two projects.
  • Individual Assignments: Design, build, and connect wired or wireless node(s) with network or bus addresses.

Group Assignment

Week 14

I’ll dive more in the waters of the I2C serial communication...

Individual Assignments

Week 14

I’ll dive more in the waters of the I2C serial communication...

To do this as always, I’ll be using my friends Adrián Torres Repo as a reference. I’ll also used Electronoob’s video that covers a better explanation on networking using I2C. I2C is a type of synchronous (needs a clock to send data) serial communication. What I like of this type communication is that you only need 4 pins to execute it and there is a variety of inputs and outputs that take advantage of it to communicate with the chosen MCU. The pins are VDD, GND, SDA (pin that sends the data) and SCL (Clock needed to send data).

The following screenshots are from the YouTube video of Electronoob’s. They help describe how the concept of the Master and slave devices work. The “MASTER” is the transmitter (TX) and the “SLAVES” are the receptors (RX). To have good communication as a requirement it’s really important that you give each “SLAVE” an address. I2C has a maximum quantity of 127 “SLAVES” in the BUS (main communication lines).