1. Principles and practices

this week, the deal was : write a website to present your project.

it’s a real challenge because i knew nothing about that.


first try in HTML

First, i tried to find some tuto (in french) for beginners to learn how to buit a web site, only in a few days

i found a channel on youtube maid by a young french man of 17 years old. gravenilvec

I did not know if it was the right way. I followed the tuto step by step.

First, i had to download sublim text which is the used by this channel.

With some of the explanations, i began to write in html and css. I stopped just before to discover php or java, because i had to think about the structure of the site first.

From the main folder, you can create some folders : css, img, and one folder for each page of the website, etc… depending on theire use and destination. You can write some files style.css in the \css folder, and in \img, some images and illustations.

in the main folder, index.html will be the root off the website.

i did only one page in html to be ready for the webmeeting of wednesday

<!DOCTYPE html> Agrilab 2020 o.Leroux <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width”

  <h1 class="titre">
      Presentation of my project

  <H2 class="moi">
      Who am i ?
  <img src="img/IMG_1485_REDUIT.png" width=20%>

  <p class="cv">
      I’m Olivier Leroux, a 53 years old french man. I have a Master degree in agriculture, 27 years ago, in same university where is our Fab lab. I have never worked in the agricultural field. i mainly work in the distribution and sales of daily press, magazines as well as books or  music, pc, telephones and other technical devices. 
      because of the size of my company, I'm used to having to fend for myself. That's why i'm interested in skills in DIY.
      I know nothing about website code, electronics and 3D/2D print.


  <H2 class="projet">

  <p class="pourquoi ce projet">
  i have to imagine quite quickly in relation with my topics of interest, my work or my studies.

I see many words that i still don’t know : markdown, python, git, etc… The main thing in a reduced time to present the project

code html

The start of coding with Markdown

After that, i saw last monday that we have to use markdown. I began to rebuit a new website with the samples of the site of fabacademy. but i do not find detailled tuto about the syntaxe.


I try also so install markdown in sublim text. I found some explanations on : https://putaindecode.io/articles/sublime-text-en-tant-qu-editeur-markdown/

So installed 2 packages for markdown : Markdownediting andmarkdownpreview

In the folder user of the packages created a file Markdown.sublime-settings by copying a previous one and renaming it. I opened it and copying the text below. { “color_scheme”: “Packages/MarkdownEditing/MarkdownEditor-Dark.tmTheme”, “enable_table_editor”: true, “table_editor_syntax”: “Auto”, “tab_size”: 2, “extensions”: [ “mdown”, “txt”, “md” ] }

Because i did not feel very confortable with sublime text for markdown, i installed also markdownedit and markdownpad and Typora

with Markdownpad you have to install awesomium, so you can a screen with 2 windows : one in code, and one WYSIWYG.

awesomium is downloadable at



i have to work on reducing the size of the pictures. i tried Corelphotopaint or a website : https://www.imagesmaller.com/fr/, but the result is not satisfactory.

I saw during the 02/05’conference the application named GIMP. I will try it.

using GIT

Git can be installed at the adress : https://git-scm.com/

git components

opening Git Bash, you enter

git config –-global user.name “Your Name”

git config -–global user.email “your email”

Opening Git GUI, you can generate a SSH key in the “help” tab

After that, you have to create a folder for your project.

then, you clone your site on your PC with Git Bash.

go in the right directory with instructions like CD .. to reverse of CD “name of directory” to go further


git clone git@gitlab.fabcloud.org:academany/fabacademy/2020/labs/agrilab/students/”your name”.git

the link after git clone can be found here


after validation, answer “yes” and not “y” to the successive questions

upoading your work

with Gui GUI, follow the steps


and how to check if your work in on-line


Problems encountered

One of the problem was to insert link to pictures because when you change from markdown to html, the file.md become \file\index.html. So you add one level of directory like that ../

(../../images/week01/name of the file)

i have a recurring problem with all the downloaded applications, or to install git tools. If i want to open or to save files, i have to run as administrator.