Week 2: Computer-Aided Design


Model (draw, render, animate, simulate, ...) a possible final project, and post it on your class page with original 2D and 3D files. Evaluate and select 2D and 3D software. Demonstrate and describe processes used in modelling with 2D and 3D software. This week we have to model 2D and 3D elements using different softwares, some open source, others not. As suggested in class, we have to try at least two different of each 2D and 3D softwares in order to decide which one to work with, taking in consideration individual skills. 3D Software: 2D Software:



As I was comparing, I have some experience with CorelDraw and obviously it was my first option, but I decide to give a chance to Photoshop and figuere out how it works.

For the 2D assignment I drew an award shaped graphics.

I started by opening a new file

moved on to draw the shape

I added some text

and I added some colors too.


For the 3D design assignment I decided to draw a nut because in my project I will need to print some hose connectors and it's a good idea to practice. I have almost never used a 3D software before, and I decided to try on Solidworks first because I already have it installed in my computer, and I have some experience, I had to practice and learn.

Here I tried to add some demensions.

After sketching I extruded it.

I drew a path for threads.

Here I added threads

This is the final look of the nut.


During my assignments I have worked with FreeCad in this week because I found it to be quick to design something and generate dxf files I need to use with Vcarve pro on the ShopBot machine.

From what I have obseved FreeCad is still far from being compared to Solidworks in terms of feature and maturity, but still FreeCad can help alot for designing something very quick.


For 2D I experimented with vectors since I need to use them while cutting with lasercutter. So I worked with corelDRAW because is the one we use. On software part it requires alot of time to experience with all tools it has.

For 3D I worked with Solidworks, we do have free license and it is the most advance software on the market. I had little knowledge on using it so it wasn't difficult to test it. It is offers many benefit of doing something in different ways.

Designs used can be found here.