Week 0: Principles and Practices
Week Assignment: Plan and Sketch a potential final project
I have started my fab academy with working out some initial idea about my final project like what i want to do with fab academy? what should i do? what can i do? True, it's very confusing yet very interesting i feel. With this first week assignment i have realized how important and difficult it is to have an idea compared to working on it. Continuing this confusion i have two separate ideas for my final project to work on.
One of my final project ideas is "Kinetic Display": I have seen it on fab academy and many more platforms and i was like "Let me watch it on loop, again and again". You can also treat your eyes by clicking following links: 01)Kinetic Display on FAB Academy -
02)Kinetic Display in Munich(BMW Mueseum) and there are many more such video you can find. This is some work already done..
Hence, as my final project i am thinking of implementing a 1x12 or 1x10 kinetic display which does not only treat your eyes with its flawless motion but it should also astonish you with beautiful colors playing around your eyes and those color schemes should be controlled too via some gesture or else. Following image is to illustrate basic structure theoritically.
Now question is what i am going to do different? Answer is i am wrking on it, hahaha! Actually i have a couple of ideas: One is to develop gesture controlled patterns and the other is to make color intensity as a fnction of temperature say if temperature is more than 40 degrees so the intensity is very high and when temperature is below 10 or 5 degrees color intensity goes down to zero. Still i am to finalaize what should i do with this project different and i will soon upload what and how i am going to do as/with my final project.
An other idea i want to work on "Levitating water display" is even more interesting and mesmerizing. It's about static water drops or some times called anti-gravity water drops forming some pattern. Please visit this link to help yourself understand what i am talking about! Levitating water - This video is only about levitating water means static water drops yet what i want to do is even more exciting: I want to develop a seven segment display with these water drops and display numbers from 0 to 9 and then after fab academy i can just extend it further and develop a complete clock of these water drops(These static water drops will display time) or i can even design a 8x8 or 10x10 structure of these static water drops that will create some pattern.
Following image is to tell you how it's possible theoritically!
For now hold on to your thoughts and visit me in next 15 days, and i will tell you what i am going to do? and how? Because i am going to take some basic measures and test a few things that need to work for both of my ideas. Once i am out of this testing phase that spans over 15 days, you will get to know my finalized idea along with few results to both the ideas. Till then stay tuned.. Thank you

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